Introduction to Adjectives

By: J Viteri99

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Introduction to Adjectives by Mind Map: Introduction to Adjectives

1. Qualifying

1.1. Example: Brown eyes, Big boy, Pretty Lady, Fast car, Smart man, Small cat.

2. Quantitative

2.1. Example: Some, Any, Many, Much.

3. Interrogatives

3.1. Example: Which ?, What, Where ?, How?

4. Adjective describe:

4.1. Nouns

4.2. Pronouns

5. By: J Viteri99

6. Possessive

6.1. Example: My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Your, Their.

7. Demonstrative

7.1. Example: This, That, Those.

8. Numerics

8.1. Example: First, One, Second, Double, Third, Four.

9. Structure

9.1. Subject+Linking verb+Adjective.

9.2. Example: juliana seems funny