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Skills by Mind Map: Skills

1. New node

2. Programming Technologies

2.1. Bash

2.2. C

2.3. DB

2.4. Java

2.4.1. Core

2.4.2. Android

2.5. Paradism

2.5.1. OOP

2.5.2. Functional programming LISP Scala

2.6. Python

2.6.1. Django

2.6.2. Core

2.7. Testing frame work

2.7.1. Unittest

2.8. UML

2.9. Web

3. CS

4. Tool and ..

4.1. Editor - IDE

4.1.1. Vim Script

4.1.2. Eclipse

4.2. Version control

4.2.1. Git

4.2.2. SVN

4.3. Build tool

4.3.1. Ant

4.3.2. Groovy

4.4. Mylyn

4.5. Linux

4.5.1. New node

5. New node

6. Pattern & methods