Functional Programming

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Functional Programming by Mind Map: Functional Programming

1. Week 1: Introduction

1.1. Lecture

1.1.1. Three Haskell Systems

1.1.2. Distinguishing features Stateless lazy evaluation

1.1.3. Basic Data Models Numbers Characters Boolean List and List Comprehension Tuple

1.2. Lab

1.2.1. Exercise 1, 2, 3

1.3. Code

1.3.1. link

2. Week 5

3. Week 2

4. Week 4

4.1. Exam date:

4.2. Type of exam:

4.3. Number of questions:

4.4. Grading & emphasis:

5. Week 3

6. Week 6

7. Week 7

8. Week 8

9. Week 9

10. Week 10

11. Week 11

12. Week 12