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Stroke by Mind Map: Stroke

1. There are 2 types of stroke

1.1. Haemorrhagic Stroke

1.1.1. Bleeding from a burst or leaking blood vessel

1.2. Ischemic Stroke

1.2.1. Lack of perfusion to an area of the brain caused by a blockage

2. Non-Modifiable Risk Factors

2.1. Age (Higher age = Higher risk)

2.2. Race - Non-white ethnicity/race

2.3. Sex (Men)

2.4. Genetics

2.5. Previous Vascular event

2.6. Menopause

3. Modifiable Risk Factors

3.1. Smoking

3.2. HTN

3.3. T2DM

3.4. A-Fib

3.5. Overweight/ Obesity

4. Medical Management

4.1. Control HTN

4.2. Control DM

4.3. No smoking

4.4. Platelet inhibitors

4.5. Stenting

4.6. Anticoagulants

5. Pathophysiology

5.1. A stroke occurs when the blood flow to an area of the brain is interuped, resulting in some degree of permanent neurological damage.

6. Nursing Management

6.1. Maintain a patent airway to promote adequate oxygenation. Administer O2 therapy with possible intubation and mechanical ventilation to ensure adequate tissue perfusion

6.2. Assess the patients neurological status; observe for CVA progression and level of conciousness

6.3. Begin bedside ROM exercises to preserve mobility

6.4. Patient teaching; lifestyle modifications

6.5. Patient teaching; Modifiable risk factors

7. Clinical Manifestations

7.1. Right Side

7.1.1. Paralized left side

7.1.2. Short attention span

7.1.3. Impulsive

7.1.4. Impaired judgement

7.1.5. impaired concept of time

7.2. Left Side

7.2.1. Paralized right side

7.2.2. Impaired speach/language

7.2.3. Slow performance

7.2.4. Depression

7.2.5. Anxiety

7.2.6. Impaired comprehension r/t language and math