SOWT analysis

SWOT analysis for Awasr company

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SOWT analysis by Mind Map: SOWT analysis

1. strengths

1.1. competitive prices for high-speed internet fiber

1.2. delivering high quality broadband services

1.3. approximately 100% is the Omanization ratio

1.4. the strategy of customer respect

2. weakness

2.1. not covering all regions in Oman

2.2. just offers fixed line telecom services

3. opportunities

3.1. expand its services throughout Oman

3.2. cooperated with OBC and Haya Water to use their fiber network

4. Threats

4.1. Hayat Water Company and OBC, which provide for Awasr company fiber optics, can enter the telecommunication market and control fiber optics.

4.2. monopoly of Omantel and Ooredoo on telecom in Oman