Weber's charismatic authority

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Weber's charismatic authority by Mind Map: Weber's charismatic authority

1. "in traditional periods, charisma is the great revolutionary force"

1.1. in a modern legal-rational authority -> not charisma, but technical innovation that carries the change through

1.2. "bureaucratic rationalization has often been a major revolutionary force. But it revolutionizes with technical means, ‘from without’. Charismatic belief revolutionizes men ‘from within’.”

2. Replacement

2.1. Through search

2.2. By revelation

2.3. designation by the original leader or by staff

2.4. Hereditary

2.5. by office charisma

3. In the most classical definition

3.1. Weber makes a broader conception

4. Charisma rests on recognition

4.1. excitement in followers

5. Followers - emotional ties

5.1. Vergemeinschaftung

5.2. Complete personal devotion

5.3. arising - enthusiasm/despair & hope

6. Two big forms of authority