Educational process.


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Educational process. by Mind Map: Educational process.

1. Pedagogical trends.

1.1. Playful learning.

1.1.1. Learning trough playing and exploring issues.

1.2. Learning with robots.

1.2.1. Use intelligente softwards to make students learn eas ily.

1.3. Learning trough wonder.

1.3.1. Present event that evoke curiosity to research.

1.4. Action learning.

1.4.1. Present real problems to be solved by the students.

2. Educational methodologies.

2.1. Natural approach.

2.1.1. Use of L1 and L2.

2.1.2. Speaking and Writing.

2.1.3. Closed questions - total physical response - Repetition.

2.1.4. Teacher - source of input and guide. Student - participative.

2.2. Cooperative language teaching.

2.2.1. Use L1 and L2.

2.2.2. 4 Skills.

2.2.3. Team practice - Jigsaw - Cooperative projects.

2.2.4. Teacher - counselor. Students - listen and support ideas.

2.3. Communicative language teaching.

2.3.1. Use L2.

2.3.2. 4 Skills.

2.3.3. Role plays - information gaps /gatherings - opinion sharing.

2.3.4. Teacher - facilitator and monitor. Student - participate and autonomous.

2.4. Task-based learning.

2.4.1. Use L2.

2.4.2. 4 Skills.

2.4.3. Pair group - role plays - picture description - games.

2.4.4. Teacher - select and adapt activities. Students - autonomous and collaborative.

3. Theoretical perspective-

4. Practice.