1. Digital Communication
1.1. In the 19th Century there was very limited access to digital communication. Now we are in the 21st century and it has become more great, this includes various chatting applications, websites etc... However, people don't understand the dangerous side of this. People think they could speak with others even though they do not know them. This is very dangerous and through this the person on the other side of the conversation can hack into your personal details and hurt you physically, personally, and emotionally. D.F.
1.1.1. We can prevent this by speaking to only those we know and to choose carefully to the websites and people we speak to. If you get an email or message etc... and you do not know who it is it is safest to not reply, even if it to ask who it is, you may check with these you know incase it may be them but do not reply if unknown. D.F
2. Digital Commerce
2.1. We are now beginning to purchase items online rather than going to the supermarkets. We must be aware to choose selectively with the websites we purchase these items from. Choosing well known websites are trusted websites, these are the kind of websites that are safe for us to use. However websites that are not well known and don't get too many users it is probably not safe for you to use. This is an important element because if you choose the wrong website that you are doing your online shopping you could be loosing your money from people who run a websites just to get peoples money and you don't get the thing you wanted in return. D.F.
2.1.1. So you can make sure you are doing the safe thing you should only access trusted websites. Any website that may look a bit suspicious is most safe to not go on so just close it immediately. D.F
3. Digital Rights and Responsibilities
3.1. This element includes the rights and responsibilities of digital citizens. Citizens have the right to have some privacy. They also have to be responsible when they use the Internet and they must act appropriately. I.F
3.1.1. People should make sure that they don't reveal their identity and don't upload things involving other people without their permission. They should understand that everyone can have an opinion and the have to respect people. I.F
4. Digital Health and Wellness
4.1. This element regards the physical and psychological health of the user. Spending too much time on the computer can damage your eyes and you can also become lazy. You could also become addicted to the computer and people must make sure they are protected when using the Internet. Bullying can also occur and this can result in depression. I.F
4.1.1. People could be made more aware of how long they spend on the computer. They should take breaks and not spend too much time using it. They could do this by having a timer and people could become more disciplined when using a computer. I.F
5. Digital Security
5.1. This element is about privacy and self protection. You should not trust anyone but yourself when it comes to your own safety on the internet. We should make sure that we are protected from viruses and make sure that our data is backed up just incase something happens. We should also make ourselves aware of danger of sources from outside. I.F
5.1.1. People should make sure they have installed protection from viruses. They should also make sure they keep all personal and important information to themselves for protection such as passwords. I.F
6. Digital Literacy
6.1. A renewed focus must be made on what technologies must be taught as well as how it should be used. New technologies are finding their way into the work place that are not being used in schools. D.F
6.1.1. Learners must be taught how to learn in a digital society. In other words, learners must be taught. Business, military, and medicine are excellent examples of how technology is being used differently in the 21st century You can ask for lesson, or research on the internet for good behaviours. D.F.
7. Digital Etiquette
7.1. This element is about appropriate ad inappropriate use of the Internet. Citizens must behave appropriately and use the Internet properly. There are rules to follow but some people don't follow them. All people must learn to become responsible citizens on the Internet. I.F
7.1.1. People must be cautious when talking using the internet. They should make sure that they don't say things that could be offensive or say anything that they may regret saying later. I.F
8. Digital Law
8.1. This element covers the act of plagiarism. Citizens should not copy other people's work or illegally download things. They also shouldn't do things like sending spam mail, creating cookies and stealing the identity of others. Damaging people's work and hacking into other citizens' property is also not allowed. I.F
8.1.1. People should make sure that they acknowledge others if they use information that is not their own. They should also make sure they use their own words and don't directly copy things from people. They should also make sure that what they are doing on the internet is legal and that they aren't accidentally doing anything dangerous. I.F
9. Digital Access
9.1. This element is in relation to the safety of ourselves and others. We must be aware that there are many people that are not accepted for who they are and eventually are excluded. This is unfair and can really hurt peoples feelings. It is not building a strong community if we are excluding others from digital access. If we do this you will be treated as an equal citizen .D.F
9.1.1. You may try speaking with the council and asking them for a better chance for equality and fairness to all. Or try sending and email to you the prime minister etc... D.F.