Blogging - What do we need to keep in mind when blogging?

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Blogging - What do we need to keep in mind when blogging? by Mind Map: Blogging - What do we need to keep in mind when blogging?

1. don't pretend you are your friend and give out his/her information.

2. tell an adult right away when you see something unkind

2.1. New node

2.1.1. New node

3. don't tell a stranger online your adress so you can have sexual cantact with them

4. You could seriously hurt others

5. no cyber bullying!

5.1. Get you in trouble

5.2. People have gotten seriously hurt from being cyber-bullied. DON'T do it!!

6. don't ask somebody to give their information

6.1. New node

6.2. and don't give your information

7. no hurtful words

7.1. You can hurt someone else.

7.2. People might make an impression on you from saying one thing!

8. no inappropriate pictures

8.1. or comments

8.2. or videos

8.3. Or posts!!!

9. No fake accounts! It can hurt others and you can get in a lot of trouble!

9.1. If you are making a name you thought of off the top of your head... You never know, it could actually be someone you don't know (and you could hurt them).

10. No bad stuff about your parents, teachers, or adults.

10.1. you could hurt their feelings.

10.2. If your mad and say they screamed at you and are terrible, they can end up in jail for child abuse.

11. Be careful of what you are doing/writing, you can never know who will see it. And you can never take it back

12. don't use it as a diary!!!

12.1. People will then hear all of your secrets!

13. No talking about someone you are mad at.

13.1. You will majorly hurt someone!!!

13.2. don't tell your friends personal stuff out

13.3. It will make them feel even more horrible.

14. Don't tell people where you are going, time, and who is going.

14.1. they could try to catch you, or they could hurt you.

15. don't give other people's information!

16. Be careful who your friends are on facebook or other websites!

16.1. Don't become friends with someone you don't know

16.2. You never know who is out there

17. Be careful what you say, you can embarress yourselves and others.

18. don't ask people for their information

19. no gossip

19.1. it could also e hurtful!

20. don't give where you can be found,because there are stalkers!

21. Not just your information, but your friends information too!

22. BE careful when online

23. don't put bad stuff online just to be cool

24. Always sign out

25. no personal information

25.1. don't add your address.

25.2. New node

26. No rude comments.

26.1. to others

26.2. no information that could hurt someone else

26.3. To hurt someones feelings

26.4. To parents

26.4.1. it could get you in truoble when you grow up

27. Put something on you might not be able to get it off.

28. Once you post something, you can't take it back.

28.1. Don't write things you might regret later!

28.2. be wise and remember that it is permanatly on the web and you cant take it back and that could affect your career and future

29. No nude photos

29.1. no inapropriate pics, videos, or comments no matter what they are of

29.2. No bad pictures, one time a girl got fired from her job because of stuff she put on the internet when she was younger!

30. Don't talk to strangers

31. No personal feelings

31.1. Who your mad at.

31.2. Who is your BFF

31.3. don't pretend to be someone else and give out their information.

31.4. Think about how the person you are talking about might feel about what you've written about them.

31.5. The internet is not your own personal diary

31.6. who you like

32. Don't talk to strangers

33. Dont attach bad links

33.1. get depressed

33.1.1. have suicidal thoughts die

33.1.2. think you are stupid

33.2. try to talk to them

33.3. livid, angry

33.4. annoyed

34. don't suggest illegal things!

35. No putting something online because think about this you will regret it later.

36. People can see what you wrote and people can write back nasty comments about you

37. Anybody can see what you put up.

38. Don't pretend you're someone else

38.1. you'll get arrested

38.2. You will get in a ton of trouble.