1. Forces
1.1. How do i protect against internal forces?
1.1.1. How will the internal forces affect the structure?
1.1.2. What can i do to prevent shear?
1.1.3. What can i do to prevent compression?
1.1.4. What can i do to prevent torision?
1.1.5. What can i do to prevent tension?
1.1.6. What structural components do i use to prevent internal forces?
1.1.7. what materials will i use to prevent the internal forces?
1.2. How will i protect against external forces?
1.2.1. How will the external forces act on the structure?
1.2.2. What structural components will i use to prevent external forces from making it fail?
1.3. Loads
1.3.1. How much is the dead load?
1.3.2. How will the dead load affect the structure?
1.3.3. Can the structure handle it's own weight?
1.3.4. What live loads will be there?
1.3.5. What can i do to make the structure strong enough to withstand the live loads?
1.3.6. Will there be any external loads?