MS Teams Rollout

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MS Teams Rollout by Mind Map: MS Teams Rollout

1. Project Imp team

1.1. Design, Architecture and Oversight

1.2. TSC

1.3. LMS

1.4. Admin

1.5. Corp Comms

1.6. HR

1.7. App SME

1.8. Dev

1.9. PMO

2. Audit & Reporting

3. Governance

3.1. Who can create a Team? What qualifies as a Team and Channel? i.e what's a Team, what's a Channel, when do I use these things and why?

3.1.1. The 5 types of channels - FireHose, News, Private, Open, General

3.1.2. Create an etiquette guide

3.1.3. Should Teams be discoverable and joinable OR should they be closed with a Join Code?

3.2. What is the process of creating/delete/update/rename a Team?

3.3. What is the process of integrating Teams with other Services/apps? Who can request? Who will approve?

3.4. Access and Ownership

3.4.1. Who are the current Admins?

3.4.2. What is the process of updating/assigning Admin roles? Who is the approver?

3.5. Information LifeCycle

3.5.1. Naming Conventions

3.5.2. Define the purpose of a team, to apply automatic properties. You cannot apply policies and maintain the lifecycle of your data if you don’t know why a Microsoft Team exists and what kind of information resides within its storage areas. It will be nice to have content security, taxonomy and disposition defined and automated by this time, so that Teams data lifecycle mgmt can be automated to reduce IT burden

3.5.3. Define what content in which teams will be retianed/archived/deleted and after how long

4. Continuous Support team

4.1. Teams Advisory group (responsible for ongoing oversight of policies related to)

4.1.1. Governance

4.1.2. Security

4.1.3. Processes

4.1.4. Usage Analytics / Reports

4.2. Change Champion Network (responsible for / consists of)

4.2.1. Training (users on a continual basis with frequently rolled out enhancements and new features Developing relationships with business users and stakeholders that can become knowledgeable evangelists for new rollouts and help you understand the needs of day-to-day users can make life much easier for everyone involved.

4.2.2. Business Process Improvement How will services/integrations in Teams replace and enhance previous business processes? For Ex: How can we use MS connectors and Flow to create workflows that reduce reduce IT burden? Evaluate process automation For Ex: Create eol workflows to trigger alerts for potentially irrelevant sites and content, and auto delete content based on content disposition policies

4.2.3. Business users and stakeholders who can become knowledgeable evangelists for new rollouts and help you understand the needs of day-to-day users can make life much easier for everyone involved