Infrastructure of manufacturers and suppliers in China

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Infrastructure of manufacturers and suppliers in China by Mind Map: Infrastructure of manufacturers and suppliers in China

1. 1-Molding company

1.1. A B2B manufacturer that specialize in building the "mold" of a product and sell it to OEM for $2,000 to +$25,000 (depends on which product, quality and the mold life). Some of this manufacturers also own the Injection molding machines and they offer plastic injection molding to ODMs and VAR (

1.1.1. 1) Mold creation

1.1.2. 2) Plastic injection molding (some are offering this too)

2. 2-OEM

2.1. -Original equipment manufacturer: B2B / B2C A manufacturer that buys the mold and put it inside a machine called "Injection molding machine" to create the plastic shape of the product. Then they assemble the shape with other components and sell it to customers. They sell also the plastic part that they produced to ODMs and VARs (so these ones can assemble it with other components and sell it). *This type of manufacturer sells for lower prices, cause they own the injection molding machine (that costs around $25,000 to $100,000 ). Also cause sometimes they don't have export license, so some of them sells only to local companies.

2.1.1. 1) Plastic injection molding

2.1.2. 2) Printing

2.1.3. 3) Assembling

2.1.4. 4) Testing

2.1.5. 5) Packing

2.2. 3-ODM

2.2.1. -Original design manufacturer: B2B / B2C A manufacturer which designs a product in 3D and send it to OEM or Molding company so they can produce the plastic shape for them (cause they don't have the machines neither the resources to do it themselves) . *This type of manufacturer sells for higher price than OEM, cause they buy all raw material from other manufacturers and assemble it together. 1) Printing 2) Assembling 3) Testing 4) Packing

2.3. 4-VAR

2.3.1. -Value added reseller: B2B/B2C A manufacturer or company that buys the raw material for other type of manufacturers, assemble it and to sell it to customers directly or via trading agents. They don't create any unique design, they just copy what others doing. *This type of manufacturer sells for higher prices than OEM and ODM. Also, most of them have export license and an online presence. 1) Printing (sometimes) 2) Assembling 3) Testing 4) Packing

3. 5-Trading company

3.1. A B2C company who connects manufacturers to customers, or buy products from manufacturers and re-sell it again to customers. They have only offices, no machines and no warehouse (some of them have, to hold stock). *They have online presence more than everyone else, they speak English and have payments solutions to accept money from foreigners. They save the customer the hassle of dealing with the manufacturer directly, but they sell the product for double or triple price. Their prices are the worst!

4. Production flow

4.1. 1) Mold creation

4.2. 2) Plastic injection molding

4.3. 3) Printing

4.4. 4) Assembling

4.5. 5) Testing

4.6. 6) Packing