Environmental Analysis for Business

Environmental Analysis for Business

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Environmental Analysis for Business by Mind Map: Environmental Analysis for Business

1. Purpose of Environmental Analysis

1.1. To adapt internal business' environment to the external environment

1.2. Identifies the opportunities and threats in a business environment in terms of a company's strengths and weaknesses

2. PESTLE analysis

2.1. Political factors

2.1.1. • Government policies • Taxes laws and tariff • Entry mode regulations

2.2. Economic factors

2.2.1. • The inflation rate • Credit accessibility • Unemployment rates

2.3. Social factors

2.3.1. • The gender and connected demographics • The social lifestyles • Educational level

2.4. Technological factors

2.4.1. • New discoveries • Rate of technological advances • Innovative technological platforms

2.5. Legal factors

2.5.1. • Product regulations • Employment regulations • Competitive regulations

2.6. Environmental factors

2.6.1. • Geographical location • Waste disposal laws • Energy consumption regulation

3. SWOT Analysis

3.1. Strengths

3.2. Weaknesses

3.3. Opportunities

3.4. Threats

4. Gap Analysis

4.1. Comparison of actual performance with potential performance

5. Porter's 5 Forces Analysis Of The Environment'

5.1. 1. The threat of entry

5.2. 2. Supplier power

5.3. 3. Buyer power

5.4. 4. Threat of substitutes

5.5. 5. Competitive rivalry

6. Internal analysis should cover:

6.1.  Financial position

6.2.  Product and service positions

6.3.  Product arid service quality

6.4.  Marketing capability

6.5.  Research and development capability

6.6.  Organization structure

6.7.  Human resources

6.8.  Conditions of facilities and equipment

6.9.  Past and present objectives and strategies

7. External Environment

7.1. General Environment

7.1.1. Economic

7.1.2. Political

7.1.3. Cultural

7.1.4. Technological

7.1.5. Natural

7.1.6. Demographic

7.1.7. International environments in which a company operates

7.2. Operating Environment

7.2.1. Company's suppliers

7.2.2. Customers

7.2.3. Market intermediaries

7.2.4. Competitors

8. 4 steps Involved in Environmental Analysis:

8.1. 1) Identifying

8.2. 2) Scanning

8.3. 3) Analysing

8.4. 4) Forecasting

9. Internal environment

9.1. Human resources

9.2. Financial resources

9.3. Policies

9.4. Technologies

9.5. Operations