Survey Performance Review 2019

Mind Map :Survey Performance Review 2019

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Survey Performance Review 2019 by Mind Map: Survey Performance Review 2019

1. Underground Survey

1.1. WO/CTRs etc - BGC, ROO, WOOD, KBR

1.2. Client requirements (SoW) - Features to be surveyed and density

1.2.1. Pipeline corridors

1.2.2. Facilities

1.2.3. PAS128 - Review in line with Fugro std

1.3. Survey estimates & variations

1.3.1. Variation of estimates

1.3.2. Iraq - Dubai

1.3.3. Models used

1.4. Actual estimate - commercial decisions and rationale

1.4.1. Competetive bidding (RSK)

1.4.2. Sole competitor (WOOD / ROO)

1.5. Gather CSV files to determine Area covered per day

1.5.1. Input from CAD Team

1.5.2. Cross reference with DPR to determine issues behind # of points collected if there is significant variation

1.6. Actual duration

1.6.1. Cross reference DPR and WIP

1.6.2. Any underlying issues

1.6.3. Commercial decisions - project ahead of schedule. Team requested to exhaust budget

1.7. Other factors - PtW, Weather, site access, travel etc...

1.8. Reccomendations

1.8.1. Area classifications - screenshots for ref

1.8.2. Productivity i.e. Duration per standard area

2. Topographic Survey

2.1. WO/CTRs etc - BGC, ROO, WOOD, KBR

2.2. Client requirements (SoW) - Features to be surveyed and grid spacing

2.2.1. Pipeline corridors

2.2.2. Facilities

2.3. Survey estimates & variations

2.3.1. Variation of estimates

2.3.2. Iraq - Dubai

2.3.3. Models used

2.4. Actual estimate - commercial decisions and rationale

2.4.1. Competetive bidding (RSK)

2.4.2. Sole competitor (WOOD / ROO)

2.5. Gather CSV files to determine points collected per day

2.5.1. Input from CAD Team

2.5.2. Cross reference with DPR to determine issues behind # of points collected if there is significant variation

2.6. Determine size of area covered per day

2.6.1. Input from CAD Team

2.7. Actual duration

2.7.1. Cross reference DPR and WIP

2.7.2. Any underlying issues

2.7.3. Commercial decisions - project ahead of schedule. Team requested to exhaust budget

2.8. Productivity i.e. points collected per day and area covered per day

2.9. Other factors - PtW, Weather, site access, travel etc...

2.10. Reccomendations

2.10.1. Points per day @ specific grid interval

2.10.2. Area per day @ specific grid interval

3. Benchmarks

3.1. Review WO/CTR etc BGC, WOOD, ROO, KBR..

3.2. Review SoW - Client Requirements

3.2.1. Type of benchmark requested

3.2.2. Number of BMs and Spacing

3.2.3. Check contract spec

3.3. Construction Resource allocation

3.3.1. Personnel and vehicles

3.3.2. Other equipment / HV or Conc mixer

3.4. Construction material used

3.4.1. Cement, aggregate, sand

3.4.2. Rebar

3.4.3. Type of fine mark

3.4.4. Type of monument protection

3.5. Observation Duration

3.5.1. Field days

3.5.2. Number of teams

3.5.3. Resources used - vehicle etc

3.6. Estimate vs Actual

3.6.1. Variation between actual and estimate

3.6.2. Factors affecting performance

3.7. Reccomendations

3.7.1. Cost review

3.7.2. Duration estimate model

3.7.3. Constuction Method