Understanding Canadian Law


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Understanding Canadian Law by Mind Map: Understanding Canadian Law

1. Statute Law

1.1. Federal Government

1.2. Provincial Government

1.3. Local Government

1.4. Aboriginal Governing Structures

2. Substantive Law

2.1. Public Law

2.1.1. Constitutional Law

2.1.2. Administrative Law

2.1.3. Criminal Law

2.2. Private Law

2.2.1. Tort Law

2.2.2. Contract Law

2.2.3. Family Law

2.2.4. Wills And Estates

2.2.5. Property Law

2.2.6. Employment Law

3. Legislative Branch

3.1. Federal Government

3.1.1. Governor General

3.1.2. Senate

3.1.3. House Of Commons

3.2. Provincial Government

3.2.1. Lieutenant-Governor

3.2.2. Legislative Assembly

4. Federal Responsibilities

4.1. Banking

4.2. Citizenship

4.3. Criminal Law

4.4. Residual Powers

4.5. Foreign Affairs

4.6. Public Dept

5. Constitutional Law

5.1. Statute Law

5.1.1. Law passed by Legislation

5.2. common Law

5.2.1. Legal rules made by Judges

6. The Law

6.1. International Law

6.2. Domestic Law

6.2.1. Substantive Law rights and responsibilities of Civil Law

6.2.2. Procedural Law where courts see what will happen in civil, criminal and administrative proceedings

7. Executive Branch

7.1. Federal Government

7.1.1. Queen

7.1.2. Prime Minister

7.1.3. Cabinet

7.1.4. Public Or Civil Service

7.2. Provincial Government

7.2.1. Queen

7.2.2. Lieutenant-Governor

7.2.3. Premier

7.2.4. Cabinet

7.2.5. Public Or Civil Service

8. Provincial Responsibilities

8.1. Compensation For Injured Workers

8.2. Property Of Civil Rights in The Province

8.3. Maintenance Of Hospitals

8.4. Education

8.5. Direct Taxation for the provinces