Wellness Wheel

EDCI 27000 Wellness Wheel Map

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Wellness Wheel by Mind Map: Wellness Wheel

1. Environmental Health

1.1. taking care of your environment

1.1.1. Environmental Wellness | Student Health and Counseling Services

1.2. de-cluttering your room

1.3. recycling/stopping use of single use items

2. Spiritual Health

2.1. understanding your beliefs, values, and ethics

2.2. establishing peace and harmony in our lives

2.3. meaning seeking and appreciation

2.3.1. Spiritual Wellness | Student Health and Counseling Services

3. Occupational Health

3.1. getting personal fulfillment from your job

3.2. choosing a job/career that you truly enjoy

3.2.1. Occupational Wellness | Student Health and Counseling Services

4. Financial Health

4.1. managing money and resources

4.1.1. Financial Wellness | Student Health and Counseling Services

4.2. planning for future finances

4.3. budgeting

5. Social Health

5.1. Friendships

5.2. Developing various healthy relationships

5.2.1. Social Wellness | Student Health and Counseling Services

5.3. Adapting to social situations

5.4. Possessing strong communication skills

6. Physical Health

6.1. moving your body (exercise)

6.1.1. Physical Wellness | Student Health and Counseling Services

6.2. eating well balanced meals (nutrition)

6.3. getting 8 hours of sleep

6.4. receiving preventative care (check-ups)

7. Intellectual Health

7.1. opening our minds to new ideas

7.1.1. Intellectual Wellness | Student Health and Counseling Services

7.2. staying curious and engaged in learning new things

7.3. engaging in creative activities

8. Emotional Health

8.1. Manage your stress level (stay on top of school work)

8.2. get 8 hours of sleep

8.3. understanding ourselves

8.3.1. Emotional Wellness | Student Health and Counseling Services

8.4. coping with challenges