Ancient civilizations

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Ancient civilizations by Mind Map: Ancient civilizations

1. Mesopotamia

1.1. religion

1.2. Geography

1.2.1. 3 major kingdoms Sumer, Assyria, Babylonia

1.3. social structure

1.4. government

1.5. religion

1.5.1. mesopotamiens believed in 7 gods

2. Bantu

2.1. Economy

2.1.1. Bantus migration 2,000 years 1500 B.C.E

2.2. religion

2.3. social structure

2.4. Geography

2.5. Government

3. phoenicia

3.1. religion

3.1.1. polytheistic

3.2. geography

4. Egypt

4.1. 3 Time Periods

4.1.1. Old Kingdom Built Pyramids

4.1.2. Middle Kingdom

4.1.3. New Kingdom

4.2. Economy

4.2.1. most Egyptians were farmers

4.2.2. really rich because they traded lots of materials

4.3. Was Not Always 1 Egypt

4.4. Religion

4.4.1. polytheistic

5. Israel

5.1. languages

5.1.1. Israel speaks hebrew

5.2. lived south of Phoenicia in the land of Israel from around 1250 to 700 B.C.E.

5.3. Religion

5.3.1. monotheistic beleaved in one god

6. Israel

6.1. Geography

6.2. religion

6.2.1. Muslims, Jews and Christians