Style :B1000SHO 591 Total quantity :6239 pcs

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Style :B1000SHO 591 Total quantity :6239 pcs by Mind Map: Style :B1000SHO 591 Total quantity :6239 pcs

1. Depp blue sea(5808) Quantity :960pcs Approved

1.1. Approximately delivery 27 January

2. Dustry silver(9703) Quantity :1018pcs Approval pending

2.1. Approximately delivery 29 or 30 jonuray

3. Bleached(5700) Quantity :1214 Approved

3.1. Approximately delivery 28 or 29 jonuray

4. Light used(5701) Quantity :3047 pcs Approved

4.1. 3020 pcs delivery completed out of 3047pcs