DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP "With Power Comes Responsibility"

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DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP "With Power Comes Responsibility" by Mind Map: DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP    "With Power Comes Responsibility"

1. Digital Health and Wellness

1.1. Don't spend extended time periods on the computer as it will weaken your eyesight. - A.A

1.2. Drink plenty of water when you are at the computer. - A.A

1.3. Never hunch your back when on the computer. Always keep your back straight. - T.A

1.4. Always sit at a computer at a 100 to 110 degree angle. -T.A

2. Digital Rights and Responsibilties

2.1. Know your consumer rights as they apply to online shopping as well.-A.A

2.2. Everyone has the right to feel safe on the internet- A.A

3. Digital Law

3.1. Do not use information from websites without checking the copyright regualtion for their information.-A.A

3.2. Never hack into anyone's accounts or websites that you do not own.-T.A

3.3. Illegal downloading, digital cheating, and cutting and pasting other people’s stuff may be easy, but that doesn’t make it right. Respect others work. - T.A

4. Digital Access

4.1. If using a public computer make sure you use it for a reasonable amount of time so that others can have digital access too A.A

4.2. Make sure you know about all types of ways to get access to the internet such as libraries or school computers. A.A

5. Digital Security

5.1. Check your privacy setting regularly to make sure they are keeping you and your information safe- A.A

5.2. Never share your password with anyone because they can hack into your account.- T.A

5.3. Have a good password that you will remember and no one else can guess. - T.A

5.4. Never give your personal details to untrusted sites. In other words, protect your privacy. - T.A

5.5. Try and download an Anti- Virus software to prevent your computer from any viruses. - T.A

6. Digital Commerce

6.1. Don't give out credit card detail to untrusted sites. A.A

6.2. Always use credit card detail with permission from the credit card holder. A.A

6.3. Never give false credit-card details to any site as it might belong to someone else. -T.A

6.4. Never give your personal phone number to untrusted sites. - T.A

6.5. Shop online safely and take your time to make decisions. Think before you act. - T.A

7. Digital Communication

7.1. Never write rude messages or bully anyone. -T.A

7.2. Make sure you are aware of all ways to communicate with people through the internet. A.A

7.3. Never encourage or engage in any cyber bullying and rude messages. - T.A

7.4. Never attach any inappropriate documents to an email when sending it to someone. - T.A

7.5. Never open or send any spam emails. - T.A

7.6. If you want your privacy respected, respect others' privacy. Posting an embarrassing photo or forwarding a friend’s private text without asking can cause unintended hurt or damage to others.- T.A

8. Digital Literacy

8.1. Use shortcuts to save time when typing messages - A.A

8.2. Use appropriate language.- A.A

8.3. Be aware of the appropriate ways in which you can come in contact with others. - T.A

8.4. What is written and posted on the internet can never be erased. -T.A

9. Digital Etiquette

9.1. Do not use inappropriate language. -T.A

9.2. Never make anyone feel unwelcome or uncomfortable. -A.A

9.3. Never cyber-bully anyone. If you have a problem with them, avoid coming in contact with them. - T.A

9.4. If you wouldn’t say it in person, don’t say it online. - T.A

9.5. Spread the good stuff. Create, share, tag, comment, and contribute to the online world in positive ways. - T.A