People First

People First Training Program Mind Map by Josh Nichols

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People First by Mind Map: People First

1. 7) Video

1.1. Record Beta Class With Corporate Leadership and People First Coordinators

2. 6) Materials

2.1. Team Building Ice Breaker Supplies

2.2. Presentation Slideshow

2.3. Handouts

3. 5) Course Topics

3.1. Standardization

3.2. Company Culture

3.3. Common Challenges

3.4. DNA vs Best Practices

3.5. Site Specific Considerations

3.6. Org Structure

3.7. Group Dynamics

4. 4) Refresher Course

4.1. Condensed Version

4.2. Annually

4.3. New Ideas and Topics

5. 2) Research and Data Support

5.1. Importance of Relationships

5.2. Camaraderie

5.3. Increased job satisfaction and work quality

6. 3) Course Details

6.1. Team Building Ice Breakers

6.2. Training

6.3. Group Outing

6.4. Participant Feedback

7. 1) Pre-Course To Do's

7.1. Purpose of Training

7.1.1. Standardization

7.1.2. Program Familiarization

7.2. Purpose of Program

7.2.1. Application of Mission Statement

7.2.2. Servant Leadership

7.3. Schedule

7.4. Pitch to Corporate

7.5. Course Outline

7.6. Who is the training for?