Learning theories

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Learning theories by Mind Map: Learning theories

1. Behaviorism

2. Cognitivism

3. Skinner (1904 - 1990)

4. Learning observable behavior

4.1. Focus of study

4.2. Manifestation of learning

5. Environment shape behavior

6. Reinforcement is central to learning

7. The mind as a black box

8. Learning as a developmental process

9. Individualization

10. Piaget (1896 - 1980)

11. The mind as focus of learning

12. Learning strategies & meta- cognition

13. Schema: Connections to existing knowledge

14. Social Constructivism

15. Vygotsky (1896 - 1934)

16. Scaffolding

17. Transformational learning

18. Communicative teaching

19. Critical reflection

20. Miguel Mateo Vallejo Vasquez