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PLAN for Week by Mind Map: PLAN for Week

1. EJH

1.1. Does it make more sense to have the fc_step as part of the URL so we're not having to repeat that everywhere and therefore constraints it to one step per request?

1.2. If we want to follow RESTful, we may want to reconsider having the endpoints as weights & forecast with the HTTP verbs describing the action.

1.3. It'll be good if the Swagger could be updated as that defines the formal OpenAPI Specification which then allows easy code-gen/import into other stuff. Do you get an option to define the model properties as being optional, typical request examples etc?

1.4. The 2 end points look like they don't require authorization

1.5. How does updating of weights change the forecast? Do we need to hit any another end point?

1.6. Having no value

1.7. Implement updates

1.8. Communicate updates to team

1.9. DONE

2. Personal

2.1. Schedule day

2.1.1. xfit

2.1.2. bjj

2.1.3. Smrr

2.2. Guitar

3. Finance

3.1. try adaptors

3.2. generate returns for apple

3.3. 151

3.3.1. EPC booking

3.3.2. Gardener

3.3.3. Handyman

3.4. DONE

3.4.1. Return JL

3.4.2. Return macbook

4. AXI

4.1. VAT update

4.2. DONE

4.2.1. Voover emails to accountant

4.2.2. Callabl

4.2.3. Uday response to HSBC


5.1. Complete baseline run

5.2. Re-do SKU logic

5.3. Restart run

5.4. DONE

5.4.1. AVON Data Strategy Mindmap plan