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go by Mind Map: go

1. Features

1.1. see slides:

1.2. see docs:

2. use package.json

2.1. follow common.js

3. usually doing exports in index.js

4. remember to expose the app using

4.1. module.exports.my_app = app;

5. example start web server using express

6. npm will install dependencies in node_modules

6.1. you need to know javascript (at least to read) because of the need to debug & handle failures

6.2. because we did require('<file name')

6.2.1. without relative path

7. about

8. sync threads vs async events

8.1. cons

8.1.1. sync threads context switching memory (stacks) synchronization blocking I/O

9. same language/tools/staff

10. performance & scalability much much better

10.1. eg

10.1.1. Clarck(?)

11. pros

11.1. simplicity

11.2. code migrations

12. Japanese twitter clone, that dumped their JBoss async-io based servers farm & improved scalability with 1 server running 8 node.js processes

13. why coffeescript

13.1. readable great syntax

13.2. solves the error-prone javascript behavior

13.3. community

13.3.1. frameworks solving many needs

13.3.2. large user base

13.3.3. IRC channel

14. getting started

14.1. modules

14.1.1. asdasd single file

14.1.2. complex

15. מצמצמצ.js

15.1. Single-threaded event-driven process with event loop

15.1.1. The claim is that while a 10ms call to DB is waiting, millions of operations can run

15.2. arch

15.2.1. standard library

15.2.2. node bindings

15.2.3. libio, libev, ...

15.2.4. v8

15.3. async events

15.3.1. CPU-intensive blocks the events loop eg, service giving fibonacci answers, when called with large n though, when modelled in EDA, you can solve it example, EDA implementation of fibonacci

16. CoffeeScript

16.1. application

16.1.1. update viewer, data for viewer in sockets if isnt

17. test

17.1. hello

18. cool

19. wtf