Government of the USA

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Government of the USA by Mind Map: Government of the USA

1. Life: people want to survive and give the will to fight

1.1. State of Nature: living without laws or any government

1.1.1. John Locke (1632-1704 CE)

2. Gives Congress power to esablish post offices

3. 50 states

3.1. Example: NE has 2 senators

3.1.1. can give ideas for laws and laws for their state

3.2. 100 senators total

3.2.1. Senators are elected by their states and serve six-year terms Wyoming 2008 Pop: 563,626= 1 Rep= 2 Senators they serve for 6 years

3.3. A state is... a body of people, living in a defined space, with the power to make and enforce laws, and an organization to do this

4. states have two senators

5. House of Rep.

5.1. Republican and Democratic parties

5.1.1. example: California has many more representatives than Rhode Island California 2008 Pop: 36,756,666= 53 Reps= 2 Senates

5.2. works with the senate with laws

5.3. to make sure things are going how there supposed to

5.4. The House comprises 435 members who are elected to two-year terms

5.4.1. number of representatives each state gets is based on its population The Speaker of the House, elected by the representatives, is considered the head of the House.

5.5. a member of the House must be at least twenty-five years of age and a U.S. citizen for seven years before his or her election.

5.5.1. Representatives are elected by their states and serve two-year terms

5.5.2. they serve 2 years

6. Senate!

7. The U.S. Constitution

7.1. Part 1: Preamble, Part 2: Natural Rights, Part 3: Grievances, Part 4: Resolution of Independence

7.2. Liberty: people want to be as free as possible to make their own decisions about how to live

8. Other Facts about the U.S Gov.

8.1. Unalienable rights: rights that cannot be taken away

8.2. Pursuit of Happiness: trying to find joy and contentment

8.3. Natural rights: rights people are born with

8.4. Consent of the Govered: Permission of those under the Government's rule

8.5. Just Powers: Powers that are fair

8.6. Self-evident: can be seen just by looking at it

9. The President can veto a bill, and then it takes a 2/3 vote of congress to override a Presidential veto.

10. The Constitution is the “rule book” for our government

10.1. The Constitution was preceded by The Articles of Confederation

10.2. The Articles of Confederation did not give the US Government enough power to do it’s job

11. The President may deploy troops for a short time period. But he or she cannot declare war.

11.1. congress can declare war

12. Is there only one judge at the Court of Appeals?

13. requirements to be President are outlined in Article II of the Constitution.

13.1. be born in the USA

14. Executive Branch

14.1. carrying out of laws

14.1.1. can sign a bill which make it a law if signed its a law it will be a federal law if it dose with all people

14.2. President and his cabinet

14.2.1. Treasury makes the money

14.2.2. Military the military is made of the Navy, Marines, Air Force, and the Army

14.2.3. Health Serv.

14.2.4. Homeland Protection Serv.

14.2.5. Education Serv.

14.2.6. Agr. Serv.

14.3. U.S Foreign Policy...

14.3.1. this country's actions, words, and befiefs towards other countries

14.3.2. Goals: protect America and Americans, support ecnomic growth and human rights around the world, increase support for American values like democracy and freedom

14.3.3. The President and the Executive brach initiate our foreign policy responses to world events and work with the Legislative branch to carry out those responses

14.4. Foreign Aid...

14.4.1. ... is the help or assistance that we give to other countries, usually through our Department of State and Health Serv.

14.4.2. Goals: economic (like money), military (soldiers helping after a disaster), advice ( like how to create a democracy), and the main goal is to create friendships abroad and foster futuer trading partners

14.5. Treaties...

14.5.1. ... are a formal agreement between countries that, (like laws) that must be followed

14.5.2. The President is responsible for negotiating and signing treaties. All treaties must be approved by 2/3's of the Senate.

15. Limitations of Government

15.1. Executive Branch

15.2. Legislative Branch

15.3. Judaical Branch

15.4. powers are equal to keep peace and so they don't over power each other

15.4.1. have diff. jobs to do

16. Legislative Branch

16.1. legislative branch is made up of the two houses of Congress—the Senate and the House of Representatives

16.1.1. 100 senators in the Senate, two from each state

16.1.2. 435 representatives in the House of Representatives

16.1.3. The Speaker of the House, elected by the representatives, is considered the head of the House.

16.2. laws get sent to the President to be sign or vetoed

16.2.1. The Power of Congress... Congress is limited by what the Constitution says Congress can: collect taxes, raise money to pay debts, to defend, and to provide for the general welfare of the U.S. Also control commerce (business) that happens across state lines, with foreign countries, and with Indian tribes, make laws about immigration, bank debt, post offices, declare war, and raise and support armies.

16.3. making the laws

17. Judaical Branch

17.1. interpret the laws

17.1.1. courts of appeals jury trial, bench trial appellate courts District Courts Always sits En Banc

17.1.2. The Supreme Court can pick the court cases it wants to hear they also can affirm, reverse, and remand the court case Affirm- the trial court's decision, letting it stand Remand- the case back to the trial court to start over judicial review there are 9 US Supreme Court Justices New node

17.1.3. Civil- relating to the rights of citizens Criminal- relating to crime oral argument Will the Court of Appeals hold a trial all over again?

17.2. Made up of the Courts

17.2.1. there are many kinds of courts

17.3. 2 types of court systems

17.3.1. State Courts and Federal Courts

18. How it got started

18.1. Constitution

18.2. we wanted our own freedom

18.2.1. made your on laws, government, and other things that we needed to do Mangna Carta When was it written? a: 1215 Who wrote it? a: The Nobles This is a: Agreement between individuals What was the purpose of this document? a: To limit the Kings power Mayflower Compact When was it written? a: 1620 Who wrote it? a: Puritans This is a: Government and an Agreement between individuals What was the purpose of this document? a: To set up a fast government. English Bill of Rights When was it written? a: 1689 Who wrote it? a: Parliament and the people This is a: Government Document What was the purpose of this document? a: To expand rights, and to limit the king

18.3. war with the British

18.3.1. signed a treaty with the colonists

18.4. won the war

18.4.1. The New World was called The USA

18.4.2. opened a new life to us