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Copy of Energy por Mind Map: Copy of Energy

1. Energy Conversion

1.1. Ball Bouncing

1.1.1. Gravitational Potential Energy --> Heat Energy + Sound Energy + Kinetic Energy

1.2. MRT train

1.2.1. Electrical Energy->Kinetic Energy + Sound Energy

1.3. space shuttle

1.3.1. chemical potential energy -> kinetic +heat +light+sound

1.4. pile driver

1.4.1. gravitational potential energy -> kinetic + sound

1.5. green leaf

1.5.1. light to chemical

2. Definition of energy

2.1. Energy is the ability to do work.

2.2. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed

2.3. Energy can be converted into different forms

3. Different forms of energy

3.1. Potential Energy

3.1.1. Chemical Potential Food Coal

3.1.2. Gravitational Potential Roller Coaster Wreck Ball

3.1.3. Elastic Potential Spring Rubber Band

3.2. Light Energy

3.2.1. Fire

3.2.2. Torch Light

3.3. Sound Energy

3.3.1. Radio

3.3.2. Chatter

3.4. Heat Energy

3.4.1. Fire

3.4.2. Heater

3.5. Kinetic Energy

3.5.1. Ball Bouncing

3.5.2. Dancing