achieve better learning with physical movements because this way the body supports the mind.

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achieve better learning with physical movements because this way the body supports the mind. by Mind Map: achieve better learning with physical movements because this way the body supports the mind.

1. Topic: Your Body Can Jog Your Mind

2. conclusion: gestures should be integrated into teaching methods and classroom activities as the body can be easily used as a learning tool, spontaneously and consistently helping the mind with a strategy that we have not been openly taught

3. * exercise is beneficial for cognitive functions. * physical exercise regulates the release of neurotransmitters * Students who exercise show fewer mood disorders and a greater propensity to master tasks.

4. * physical movement impacts the functions and structures of the brain, * the body can be used as a tool in learning a second language and mathematics.

5. * The dichotomy between the body and the mind is still well established. * physical activity has positive effects on the body

6. *, physical activity induces neurogenesis *, physical activity triggers the release of brain-derived neurotropic factor, a neurotrophin that stimulates growth in the brain,

7. * effect of ergometric cycling on memory for French vocabulary * physical activity influences two brain structures that mediate short-term memory, that is, the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex.