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Patient by Mind Map: Patient

1. blood sugar check at 0600 was 264

1.1. interventions

1.1.1. glucose is prevented from entering the cell since her body doesn't make insulin impaired glucose

1.1.2. this is why glucose is treated four hours

1.1.3. sliding scale is used to regulate sugar since she does not produce insulin

2. Hgb A1C elevated 12.2

2.1. A1C is elevated because she did not control her sugar and was hyperglycemic

3. edema +3 In feet, ankles, and legs

3.1. the patient is holding water because of the hyponatremia diagnosis

4. Type one diabetic

4.1. insulin is not produced and will not push glucose into cells

4.1.1. interventions encourage frequent testing of blood sugar impaired glucose regulation administer insulin give signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia

5. chloride 91

5.1. chloride was low because of the diagnosis for hyponatremia

6. BP 140/77

6.1. BP is higher because of her smoking and hardening and narrowing of her blood vessels

7. glucose was 562 on admission 2/22/2020

7.1. Hyperglycemia was her admitting diagnosis since her sugar was not as controlled as it should be

8. Na+ was low 127

8.1. the patient was diagnosed with hyponatremia which can be caused by diabetes mellitus.

8.1.1. interventions administer hypertonic solution impaired fluid and electrolyte give a fluid restriction explain that hyponatremia is more likely to happen with diabetes

9. smoker

9.1. makes the blood vessels narrow and harden which decreases blood flow and will be less likely to get glucose where it needs to go in the first place

9.1.1. intervention give education on stop smoking Impaired blood flow give medication to stop cravings inform the patient that smoking with affect diabetes and glucose uptake

10. depressed

10.1. less likely to eat and keep her sugar regulated with insulin