Translation Techiniques

Alexis Tejeira

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Translation Techiniques by Mind Map: Translation Techiniques

1. Qualified to do this particular translation: one of the most feel confident about a particular assigment if the result are to be satisfactory.

2. -Translator will soon be replaced by computers. -don´t need to know to spell, since they can use the spell checker on their comuter and a good translator gets it right th first time, without any editing or proofreading

3. Some common misconceptions about translation and translator

4. one of the most wonderful things about translation is the fact that you mind is never idle

5. Remember, speed in translation is the most important thing next to language proficiency.

6. 3.clients nowadys are getting used to asking for translation on disk

7. 4. If more one translator is involved in a given translation project, the text from the various translators can be entered by an editar on one disk and equalized or manipuled as necessary

8. today translation has become almost totally dependent on computer for several reason:

9. The better acqueainted with software you become, the more It will help you with translation.

10. 1.word processing allows far greater flexibility in producing text than any other contemporary.

11. 2.computers allow text to be stored os a disk and reprinted or modified later on