1. Erasmus, S. (2009, June 19). New kid in a new school? Retrieved March 24, 2020, from New kid in a new school?
2. Fixed Mindset
2.1. This is where the student may not be seeking the opportunities for growth and expansion in the new environment but would rather stay complacent. This is all done when the student decide to keep negative thoughts inside and resist the change occurring.
3. LaToria
3.1. Moving to a New Location
3.1.1. How to detect: Detection is easy for the teacher! This is obvious and the teacher is even given a heads up from administration that there will be a new student. Role of the PLC During this time of knowledge, it is up to the teacher to bring this up during the PLC to take suggestions to ensure a safe and comfortable learning environment. One of the main topics of the PLC would need to be: What can the teacher do to assist a student going through this new transition in the students life? Get some background of the student and speak to the parents for clarification. How will the teacher acclimate the new student in getting along with the other students? How will this change the dynamic of the classroom? Is there fear or excitement? It is imperative that the teacher utilize their students in teaching the new student the "ropes" and the teacher be observant. If the teacher notices any students out of line or bullying take place, it needs to be addressed immediately. Parents Students Teachers and Admin
3.1.2. Reaction: We all know how it can be, being the new kid and all. Students have already made their cliques and know who they can and cannot trust and the new kid disrupts that sense of safety and comfortability. Also, from the new kid's perspective they've just left somewhere longing for what's familiar to them. Perhaps they are from a different country, state, city therefore there could be a language barrier or major differences in culture. There may be a sense of loneliness, solitude or even apprehension of the student wanting to meet new people depending on the personality type of the new student.
3.1.3. References:
4. Traumatic grief, by María Álvarez
4.1. REACTIONS When death happens in the close circle of people of a child or teenager, reactions can vary and it can lead to Traumatic grief. There are several general symptoms of this, an some more specific to detect in the classroom.
4.1.1. Pokorny, A. (2014, November 4). On being the new kid. Retrieved March 24, 2020, from On being the new kid
4.1.2. General reactions Feelings and emotions: intense emotions of anger, sadness, anxiety, guilty feelings, new fears.... Thoughts: from having intrusive memories of the death, to blocking memories or denial, persistent thoughts about death, feeling the person gone close... Habits: loss of apetite, trouble sleeping... Social: isolation, avoiding places......
4.1.3. Specific to the classroom Drop in grades Difficulty to focus Trouble with comprehension and memory Social behaviors as mentioned before
4.2. HOW TO DETECT As educators it can be difficult to recognize if those reactions are product of Traumatic grief or typical behavioral issues. When these behaviors are too frequent is important to contact with school counselor or mental specialist for an evaluation. In some cases, teachers will need to alert to parents or tutors and make appointments with the specialist to design a plan of action
4.3.1. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: it can be also used with other kinds of trauma, such us terrorism, medical causes, community or domestic violence.....etc. It has several areas. Gradual exposure: kids are assited to slowly talk and discuss about death. Resilience building stress managements skills: behavioral management skills used by parents/tutors, but also reinforced for teachers, such as praise or positive attention, and relaxation skills. Affective expression skills: encourage to express and label different feelings. Cognitive coping skills: analyze feelings to know which thoughts motivate them and detect possible misconceptions. Trauma specific interventions: the child/teen constructs a narrative of the death after getting control and understanding about their feelings. Grief specific interventions: help the child/teen ti develop their grief. Support from educators: educators can support several of these strategies but it´s important they work as a team with the child, parents, counselor and therapist. In school, they can contribute to developing stress management skills. They can help with relaxation, by supporting expressions of feeling or supporting cognitive coping skills
4.4. References: Cohen, J. A., & Mannarino, A. P. (n.d.). Supporting children with traumatic grief: What educators need to know. Retrieved from https://tfcbt.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/SPI4008271.pdf Peterson, S. (2018, May 25). Traumatic Grief. Retrieved from https://www.nctsn.org/what-is-child-trauma/trauma-types/traumatic-grief
5. Bullying, by Wendy
5.1. Types of bullying
5.1.1. verbal
5.1.2. prejudicial
5.1.3. cyberbullying
5.1.4. physical
5.1.5. relational
5.2. Reactions to Bullying
5.2.1. Stress, anxiety, and depression
5.2.2. Anger or frustration
5.2.3. Loneliness and isolation
5.2.4. Feelings of rejection, or poor self-esteem
5.2.5. Changes in sleep and eating patterns
5.2.6. Health complaints
5.2.7. Poor relational skills
5.2.8. School avoidance
5.2.9. Poor academic performance
5.2.10. Separation anxiety
5.2.11. Self-harm
5.2.12. Eating disorders
5.2.13. Suicida or homicidal behavior
5.3. Helping victims of bullying as educators
5.3.1. Reactive strategies (When the bullying has already happened) Take immediate action whenever you witness or suspect any type of bullying. Make sure that your disciplinary actions aligns with your school guidelines. Separate the victim and the bully when discussing the situation. Ensure the victim that whatever he/she shares is confidential. Peer counseling: assign an older student with a younger student to help victims who are coping with serious emotional and mental distress Refer the victim to the school counselor Monitor the situation: Never assume that the bullying situation is fully resolved after the school as intervened.
5.3.2. Proactive strategies (Ways to prevent bullying incidents) Teachers could work with the class to develop rules against bullying. Practice role-playing and do assignments that teach bullies alternative methods of interaction. Implement collaborative team building activities that reduce social isolation and increase adult supervision at key times. Work with school administration to build a positive school climate where students feel safe. Train teachers to prevent bullying with programs such as the Anti-Bullying network or the School Bully Online. Increase awareness among parents
5.3.3. Teach students to be effective bystanders by empowering them to stand up against bullying and report bullying immediately.
5.4. Gordan, S. (2018, November 30). 10 Bullying Prevention Goals for Schools. Retrieved March 22, 2020, from 10 Ideas for Educators on Bullying Prevention
5.5. References
5.5.1. Cordon, S. (2019, December 12). 15 Ways to Prevent Bullying in Your Classroom. Retrieved March 22, 2020, from 15 Ideas for Creating a Bully-Free Classroom
5.5.2. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2020, from Effects
6. Terrorism and Violence by Suha
6.1. Types of Terrorism: Families and children may be profoundly affected by mass violence, acts of terrorism, or community trauma in the form of shootings, bombings, or other types of attacks. The impact will vary depending on the nature of the event and on the experiences of children and families during and afterwards. Please watch the video in this link.
6.1.1. School Shootings
6.1.2. Bombings
6.1.3. Violent Attacks
6.1.4. Mass Violence
6.2. Reactions/ Effects/ Symptoms
6.2.1. Pre-school/ Early years 1-Fear and feelings of helplessness 2-Anxiety 3-Cant fall asleep/nightmares/cant sleep alone 4-Lack of skill development in class 5-Separation anxiety 6-Loss of toileting ability 7-Loss of speech 8-Repetitive and less Imaginative form of play
6.2.2. School-aged 1-Persistent feelings of safety and concern 2-Anxiety 3-Guilt or shame 4-Retelling of event 5-Overwhelming feelings of fear and sadness 6-Sleep Disturbances/ nightmares/ can sleep alone 7-Loss of speech 8-Repetitive and less Imaginative form of play 9-Difficulty concentrating at school 10-Headaches/ stomachaches with no symptoms 11-Reckless or aggressive behavior 12-Feeling that another shooting/ attack might occur 13-Withdrawal from peers
6.2.3. Teenagers/ Adolescents 1-Self-conscious about their emotional responses 2-Feelings of fear and vulnerability 3-Concern of being labelled abnormal 4-Withdraw from family and peers 5-Guilt and shame 5-Express fantasies of revenge and retribution 6-Radical shift in perception the world 7-Self Destructive or accident prone behaviors 8-worrying about family members
6.2.4. Physical Injury (might have been injured during shooting or act
6.2.5. Irritability
6.2.6. Jumpy
6.2.7. Sensitivity to Sound
6.3. Response Strategies
6.3.1. Schools/ Educators Preplanning Planned Safety Drills Provide support by listening to concerns and feelings. Educate students about different trauma reactions. Don’t assume all students feel the same or need help but try to accommodate students’ different responses. Have patience with minor behavior problems. Stay calm when setting limits. Return to predictable school routines and activities as soon as possible. Refer students for professional help for any concerns about self-injury or dangerous behavior Understand that attention and doing classroom activities may be affected. Focus on the present with gentle reminders about daily tasks. Consider modifying work or providing extra structure and instructions. Realize that sleep difficulties are common and can lead to fatigue and poor participation. Suggest healthy sleep habits (e.g. a break from screens before bed) and calming coping strategies. Consider adjusting deadlines until sleep is stabilized. Recognize physical reactions may confuse or scare students, making them even more afraid. Encourage students to use relaxation strategies such as slow breathing, stretching, or physical activity. Identify the sources of everyday noises and that these are not dangerous. Reassure students that they are safe. Explain that physical responses (e.g. feeling startled, tense muscles, fast breathing) are common after a trauma when they are on high alert. Suggest using calming strategies such as slow breathing. Suggest engaging in positive activities (e.g., volunteering, hobbies). Discuss ways to cope with sad feelings and the value of in-person support, talking with family or friends, rather than connecting via media. Discuss ways to support students with other adults they trust. Create a sense of safety by returning to normal, predictable routines as soon as possible. Remind them that such events are rare. Point out ways adults make school safe. Discuss that people did the best they could at the time. Give honest, accurate, and age-appropriate information. Let students know you will tell them the truth. Suggest they limit the use of media to maintain balance and perspective. Offer to help find answers to difficult questions. Verbalize feeling for young preschoolers Allow more time to play and draw
6.3.2. Parents -Spend time talking with your children. -Find time to have these conversations -Promote your children’s self-care. -Help children feel safe. -Maintain expectations or “rules.” -Address acting out behaviors. -Limit media exposure. -Be patient. -Address withdrawal/shame/guilt feelings -Manage reminders. -Monitor changes in relationships -Address radical changes in attitudes and expectations for the future. -Get adults in your children’s life involved. -Empower your child to get involved in their medical care. -Seek professional help. -Verbalize feelings for younger children allow more time for them to play
6.4. References: Recommendation for School Staff. National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Retrieved from https://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/resources//pfa_for_schools_appendix_a.pdf Helping Youth after Community Trauma: Tips for Educators. National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Retrieved from https://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/resources/tip-sheet/helping_youth_after_community_trauma_for_educators_final_explosions.pdf Talking to Children about the Shooting. National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Retrieved from https://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/resources//talking_to_children_about_the_shooting.pdf Creating School Active Shooter/Intruder Drills. National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Retrieved from https://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/resources/fact-sheet/creating_school_active_shooter_intruder_drills.pdf Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event. National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Retrieved from https://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/resources//age_related_reactions_to_traumatic_events.pdf Parent Guidelines for Helping Youth after the Recent Shooting. National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Retrieved from https://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/resources//parents_guidelines_for_helping_youth_after_the_recent_shooting.pdf For Teens: Coping after Mass Violence National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Retrieved from https://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/resources/fact-sheet/for_teens_coping_after_mass_violence.pdf
7. Community Violence by Ahmed Marzouk
7.1. What is community violence?
7.1.1. Community violence is interpersonal violence perpetrated by individuals who are NOT intimately related to the victim.
7.1.2. Usually occurs without warning and comes as a sudden and terrifying shock
7.1.3. Includes sexual assault, burglary, mugging, the sound of gunshots, presence of gangs, drug abuse, racial tension, and other forms of social disorder
7.1.4. Children are especially impacted: More than 40% of youths surveyed (N = 2248) report exposure to a shooting or stabbing in the past year, and 74% reported feeling unsafe in one or more common environmental contexts.
7.2. Risk factors of exposure to violence
7.2.1. Low socioeconomic status
7.2.2. Troubled family life (e.g., broken homes, abuse, neglect, drugs, minimal parental involvement)
7.2.3. Low community cohesion
7.2.4. Urbanization and inner-city living
7.2.5. Individual factors (e.g., gender, age, race, ethnicity)
7.3. Prolonged effects
7.3.1. Higher levels of externalizing disorders, internalizing disorders, and PTSD among inner city youth in a meta-analysis that assessed outcomes from 114 studies Directly experiencing violence was associated with greater externalizing and internalizing symptoms than witness. PTSD was equally linked with victimization, witnessing, and hearing about violence.
7.3.2. Other effects include Depression, dissociation, aggression, substance abuse Poor academic achievement in children
7.4. In an urban sample of 615 teens, exposure to violence prospectively predicted an increase in all symptoms assessed (i.e., internalizing, externalizing, posttraumatic stress, and dissociative symptoms)
7.4.1. Gender makes a difference in outcome: Boys experienced more violence than girls.
7.5. Compared to boys, girls who experienced violence were more likely to experience dissociation, but not the other symptoms.
7.6. Prevention
7.6.1. Life skills and social development programs to help children and adolescents manage anger, resolve conflict, and develop the necessary social skills to solve problems tend to aid in prevention.
7.6.2. School-based anti-bullying and safety programs http://www.stopbullying.gov/index.html http://www.lisc.org/csi/
7.7. Resources
7.7.1. (n.d.). Community Violence - TeachTrauma. Retrieved from Community Violence - TeachTrauma
8. Divorce by Elena Krapivina
8.1. Children Divorce Statistics: "...50% of all North-American children will witness the divorce of their parents. Almost half of them will also see the breakup of a parent's second marriage".
8.2. The Negatives of Divorce
8.2.1. Psychological Effects and Symptoms Emotional Effects Shock, confusion Feelings of uncertainty, hopelessness, helplessness Abandonment, feelings of loss, grief, sadness Fear Guilt Anger, rage, resentment Mental Health Problems Depression Anxiety
8.2.2. Behavioral Effects and Symptoms Impulsive behaviors Confrontational behaviours (with peers) Delinquency Substance use Oppositional defiant disorder ADHD Anorexia Bulimia
8.2.3. Response Strategies Teacher To Do List Monitor closely Provide consistency in routines, expectations, environments. Keep the child’s mind busy. Reinforce students’ strengths (opportunities to build on their strengths, leadership roles, positive self-talk, positive affirmations) Build a climate that is sensitive to differences (don’t assume everyone has a mom or dad, family, one home) Be flexible, make decisions based on the child, not curriculum requirements or standards. Reduce expectations Encourage conversations. Be available Be compassionate Keep in touch with parents Refer for professional help Teach survival stills: anger-management, problem-solving skills Parent To Do List Be patient Monitor closely for any changes in behavior Encourage children to recognize and label their feelings Listen and make yourself available even for difficult conversations Provide reassurance and offer support. Be close physically Cooperate with the other partner. Present united front. Control emotions, show restraint, use tact, be polite to the other parent. Stick with routines, provide consistency, stability, structure. Ensure your well-being Seek professional help for yourself and the children as needed
8.3. Academic Effects and Symptoms
8.3.1. Low concentration
8.3.2. Lack of interest
8.3.3. Low motivation
8.3.4. Drop in academic achievement More likely to repeat a grade Higher drop-out rate Lower rate of collage graduation
8.3.5. Absenteeism
8.4. The Positives of Divorce
8.4.1. Preserving children's mental health by removing them from a psychologically abusive household
8.4.2. Removing children from physical danger in a physically abusive household
8.4.3. Providing needed structure and predictability in families where parents do not cooperate.
8.5. References: Gina Kemp, Smith, M., & Segal, J. (2018, December 28). Children and Divorce. Retrieved from HelpGuide.org website: Children and Divorce https://www.helpguide.org/articles/parenting-family/children-and-divorce.htm Lyness, D. (2016). Helping Your Child Through a Divorce (for Parents). Retrieved from Kidshealth.org website: https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/help-child-divorce.html Cox, J. (n.d.). Helping Students Deal with Death, Divorce, Etc. Retrieved March 25, 2020, from TeachHUB website: https://www.teachhub.com/helping-students-deal-death-divorce-etc Depression in Children. (2001, November 20). Retrieved from WebMD website: https://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/depression-children#1 Dowshen, S. (2015, February). Childhood Stress (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth. Retrieved March 26, 2020, from kidshealth.org website: https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/stress.html?WT.ac=p-ra Types of anxiety. (2019). Retrieved from Beyondblue.org.au website: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/types-of-anxiety Parker, W. (2019, September 13). How Couples With Kids Can Decide About Divorcing. Retrieved from Verywell Family website: https://www.verywellfamily.com/should-you-stay-together-for-kids-1270800 Morin, A. (2017, May 22). The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children. Retrieved from Verywell Family website: https://www.verywellfamily.com/psychological-effects-of-divorce-on-kids-4140170 Parker, W. (2011, August 13). Statistics About Children of Divorce. Retrieved from Verywell Family website: https://www.verywellfamily.com/children-of-divorce-in-america-statistics-1270390
9. Sexual Abuse by Madelaine Estrabillo
9.1. What is sexual abuse?
9.1.1. Any non consensual act where one asserts power over another
9.1.2. One statistic shows 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.
9.2. What factors increase a child's risk for sexual abuse?
9.2.1. Family structure: Children who live with two married biological parents are at low risk. The risk increases when children live with step parents or a single parent
9.2.2. Are foster children
9.2.3. Gender: females are 5 times more likely to be abused than males
9.2.4. Age: while there is risk for all ages, children are most vulnerable to abuse between 7-13.
9.2.5. Race and ethnicity: African-American children have twice the risk than white children
9.2.6. Socio-economic status: Children in low income households are three times as likely to be identified as victims of child sexual abuse.
9.3. What do I do if I suspect or discover child sexual abuse?
9.3.1. Direct physical signs of sexual abuse are not common. However, when physical signs are present, they may include bruising, bleeding, redness and bumps around the mouth, genitals. Urinary tact infections, STIs, or abnormal discharge are also warning signs.
9.3.2. Emotional and behavioral signals are common: "too perfect" behavior, withdrawal, fear, depression, unexplained anger, rebellion.
9.3.3. Their own sexual behavior is not age appropriate.
9.3.4. As a teacher, document all your concerns with dates and times, in order to support your claims. Know the reporting laws. Be vigilant.
9.3.5. Reactive (when you suspect sexual abuse: As a teacher, document all your concerns with dates and times, in order to support your claims. Know the reporting laws. Be vigilant. Procure the support of other teachers, principal or any staff by gathering tips, or other watchful eyes
9.3.6. Proactive (to accommodate children's emotional and behavioral needs): Teach students about consent (as long as it follows school/state mandates) Be aware of how you act in class. Model behavior accordingly Be available for parents and students Encourage conversations with your students, allow them to feel they can come to you whenever Create equitable lessons so one gender or group of people doesn't have too much power over another during an activity
9.4. References
9.4.1. Supporting Victims of Child Abuse - Educational Leadership
9.4.2. http://www.d2l.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/all_statistics_20150619.pdf
9.4.3. 5 Tips to Help You Report Abuse in Your School
10. Effect of abandonment trauma on development: Abandonment trauma leaves children feeling: Unsafe Unimportant unsure of how their needs are going to be met
10.1. substance abuse disorders
10.2. eating disorders
10.3. relationship difficulties
10.4. mental health disorders
10.5. anxiety
10.6. borderline personality disorders
11. References: Bridges to recovery, n.d, retrieved from Can Emotional Abuse Cause PTSD? - Bridges to Recovery https://www.nctsn.org/what-is-child-trauma/trauma-types/physical-abuse Lea Waters, Tom Brunzell, 2018, Five Ways to Support Students Affected by Trauma, Retrieved from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/five_ways_to_support_students_affected_by_trauma Caroline Miller, (n.d), Retrieved from https://childmind.org/article/how-trauma-affects-kids-school/ Tips for teachers with students who have experienced trauma, Feb 20 2020, retrieved from https://www.weareteachers.com/10-things-about-childhood-trauma-every-teacher-needs-to-know/
12. Signs of physical abuse
12.1. Unexplained injuries, such as bruises, fractures or burns
12.2. Unexplained injuries, such as bruises, fractures or burns
12.3. Low self-esteem
12.4. Difficulty establishing or maintaining relationships
12.5. Challenges with intimacy and trust
12.6. An unhealthy view of parenthood
12.7. Inability to cope with stress and frustrations
12.8. An acceptance that violence is a normal part of relationships
13. How teachers can support students
13.1. Healing and repair
13.2. Growth and strength
13.2.1. 1. Positive relationships.
13.2.2. 2. Positive physical space.
13.2.3. 3. Positive priming.
13.2.4. 4. Using character strengths.
13.2.5. 5. Building resilience.
13.2.6. * Switch your mindset when dealing with disruptive kids from reprimanding / punishing to being affirmative and accommodative * Provide daily routine and structure - it helps calm students down. * Try not to judge the trauma / stress - do not be dismissive. Factors causing trauma have a wide range and may be cumulative. * Give opportunities to students for them to set and achieve goals - to feel that they have mastery and control. * Schedule regular brain-breaks or destressors for anxiety to dissipate * Ask directly what you can do to help!
14. How teachers can identify symptoms of emotional abuse
14.1. Trouble forming relationships with teachers
14.2. Poor self-regulation
14.3. Negative thinking
14.4. Hypervigilance
14.5. Executive function challenges
14.6. Withdrawal from friends or usual activities
14.7. Changes in behavior — such as aggression, anger, hostility or hyperactivity — or changes in school performance
14.8. Depression, anxiety or unusual fears, or a sudden loss of self-confidence
14.9. An apparent lack of supervision
14.10. Frequent absences from school
14.11. Reluctance to leave school activities, as if he or she doesn't want to go home
14.12. Attempts at running away
14.13. Rebellious or defiant behavior
14.14. Self-harm or attempts at suicide
14.15. Delayed or inappropriate emotional development
14.16. Loss of self-confidence or self-esteem
14.17. Social withdrawal or a loss of interest or enthusiasm
14.18. Depression
14.19. Avoidance of certain situations, such as refusing to go to school or ride the bus
14.20. Desperately seeks affection
14.21. A decrease in school performance or loss of interest in school
14.22. Loss of previously acquired developmental skills
15. Apps for Managing Stress
15.1. Breath2Relax – Gives information on deep breathing exercises for calming and reducing anxiety and a tool for tracking your activity and progress. From the U.S. Department of Defense.
15.2. Mindfulness Coach – Provides training in mindfulness to help with stress and relaxation as well as a variety of voice-guided practice sessions. It also has the ability for users to track their own progress. From the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
15.3. Virtual Hope Box – Provides guided relaxation techniques, tools for enhanced coping, games, and inspirational thoughts. From the U.S. Department of Defense.
15.4. PTSD Coach - Provides users with information about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including educational resources, information about professional care, a self-assessment tool, opportunities to find support, and tools to help manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD. From the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
16. Steps to helping children cope for parents
16.1. Try to limit exposure to television and social media content about the disaster. This can cause more anxiety through repeated exposure
16.2. Children tend to lose their appetite and sleep so try to ensure they have enough of both.
16.3. Its important to be honest with children about information. They can tell when you keeping infromation from them and this can lead to mistrust.
16.4. Remember that children tend to personalize situations. For example, they may worry about their own safety and the safety of immediate family members, friends and neighbors.
17. References
17.1. Coping After Disaster
17.2. https://www.cstsonline.org/assets/media/documents/CSTS_FS_Helping_Students_After_Disaster.pdf
17.3. The Trauma after the Storm
18. Gordon, S. (2019, October 20). The Different Types of Bullies Parents Should Watch For. Retrieved March 22, 2020, from 6 Types of Bullying Parents Should Know About
19. Natural Disaster by Maya
19.1. Common Reactions for Children and Teenagers after a disaster
19.1.1. Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
19.1.2. Irritability or anger
19.1.3. A lack of energy or feeling exhausted all the time
19.1.4. Lack of appetite or the opposite eating all the time
19.1.5. Sadness, depression, hyperactivity
19.1.6. Trouble concentrating or feeling confused
19.1.7. Anxiety
19.2. Types of Natural Disasters
19.2.1. Earthquakes
19.2.2. Tsunamis
19.2.3. Tornadoes
19.2.4. Earthquakes
19.2.5. Floods
19.2.6. Forest fires
19.2.7. Disease Pandemic
19.3. Steps to helping students after a disaster for teachers/educators
19.3.1. Remind students that they are in a safe and secure environment.
19.3.2. Allow children a chance to respond in their own way and listen to their stories
19.3.3. Maintain all daily routines as that stability can be reasuring
19.3.4. Staying alert to changes in students’ usual behavior (e.g., drop in grades, loss of interest, not doing homework)
19.3.5. Engage your students in general conversations to allow them to be open and engaged
19.3.6. Providing emotional support by talking about the feelings that could be having as a result of the disaster. Talking would have them feel less overwhlemed.
20. Parental Abandonment by Susanne Marchant
20.1. Definition: Abandonment or neglect trauma is also known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) of abandonment. PTSD of Abandonment is neuro-psycho-biological condition, a so-called “limbic disorder” or “disease of the amygdala” with symptoms that range from mild to severe.
20.1.1. Causes of abandonment trauma for children: Relationships are of vital importance to the emotional and psychological development of a child. When something goes wrong with these relationships abandonment or neglect trauma can occur: A parent who is emotionally unavailable Childhood neglect due to substance abuse, such as alcoholism or drug abuse Mental illness, such as depression, in a parent or caregiver A serious physical illness in a parent or caregiver The sudden loss of a parent or caregiver who the child depended on Significant family instability, such as absence or divorce Signs of Abandonment trauma: Every individual is unique and may experience the trauma differently. However, certain symptoms may suggest a person is suffering from abandonment trauma: Fear of being left behind or abandoned Inability to form healthy relationships Low self-esteem and feelings of self-worth Anxiety and insecurity. Depression Episodes of self-harming behaviors Self-judgment and setting unrealistic expectations, perfectionism. Emotional flashbacks, leading to feelings of panic or intense emotional distress. Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia
20.1.2. Treating abandonment trauma or associated disorders: Symptoms may be mild or severe. All diagnoses and treatment plans should be based on evaluations by mental health professionals of individual presentations. This can be achieved by: Therapy Counseling Trauma treatment techniques Techniques such as the following can help individuals learn ways of coping with anxiety, stress and interpersonal conflict without resorting to eating disorder behaviors. medications
20.1.3. What can teachers do in the classroom? Trauma can make it extremely difficult for a student to learn to learn. Scientists have found that children who have been subjected repeatedly to trauma, in addition to the other symptoms, can have difficulty paying attention, which along with struggling to regulate emotions and form relationships, can make it very difficult for a child to succeed in school. Strategies for teachers So what can teachers do to help students in their classrooms who have experienced abandonment trauma or another complex trauma? Get to know your students, their background, what interests they have, what makes them tick. Make sure you know what the warning signs of a child going into survival mode looks like and respond with compassion. Create calm, predictable transitions so the child knows what to expect in terms of classroom and school routines. Praise publicly and criticise privately. Use mindfulness practices but adapt them to take into account possible triggers like closing their eyes, focus on external rather than internal issues
20.2. References:
20.3. Rosewood Centre for Eating Disorders. (n.d.). What is Abandonment Trauma? Retrieved from https://www.rosewoodranch.com/abandonment-trauma/
20.4. Anderson. S. (2017. April 13th). 40 features of post traumatic stress disorder of abandonment. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/40-features-of-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-of-abandonment_b_58ed2e74e4b0145a227cb909
20.5. Whetten. K et al. (2011. March 25th) More than the loss of a parent: potentially traumatic events among orphaned and abandoned children. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3610328/
20.6. Good Therapy. (2007-2020) Abandonment. Retrieved from https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/issues/abandonment
20.7. Dorado. J. and Zakrzewski. V. (2013. October 23rd). How to Help a Traumatized Child in the Classroom. Retrieved from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/the_silent_epidemic_in_our_classrooms
20.8. Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2014). Abnormal psychology (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
20.9. Psychological Treatments. (2016). In Division 12 of the American Psychological Association. Retrieved from Treatments
20.10. Videos
20.11. MDedge. (2013. May 30th). Childhood neglect affects adult close-relationship capacity. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVpxuJ7guNc
20.12. Psych2Go. (2018. December 6th). 7 Ways Childhood Trauma Follow You Into Adulthood. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2oUfg7qNG0
20.13. Rowan Garlow. (2018. August 11th). Abandonment Trauma & Borderline Personality-Part 1: Dysfunctional Family Systems. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WXgcUNJeWk
20.14. FIT-TV. (2016. May 27th). Abandonment and PTSD Hand in Hand. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbTsR7WGIPo
21. [Gayatry]
21.1. Abuse : Emotional and Physical
21.1.1. Emotional Abuse Taking away one’s freedom and privacy Separation from loved ones, work, and activities Expecting to know their whereabouts and activities at all times Frightening them with anger Threatening them and those they love Humiliating and belittling them
21.1.2. Physical Abuse physical injury to a child or adolescent, such as red marks cuts welts bruises muscle sprains broken bones
21.1.3. Effects May struggle with developing and maintaining friendships. Don’t trust authority figures. Don’t feel good about themselves or see themselves as worthy. May show aggression and “acting out” are very common, Don’t seem to care anymore if they are hit; Lost the normal fight or flight reactions built-in to protect us from danger. May fail to react to other dangers. May stop trying to make friends or succeed at school or plan for the future. May become anxious and fearful rather than numb and withdrawn. May blame themselves for the abuse and feel that they must keep what goes on in their families a secret.
22. Discrimination and Minority Stress (Matt Hoyt)
22.1. What are discrimination and minority stress?
22.1.1. Minority stress is described as being unique, chronic, and socially based. Unique Not all students will experience situations that lead to minority stress, since it is based on specific aspects of identity. Chronic Minority stress is something that is usually consitstent and hard to escape from as it can happen in various parts of life. It is the result of minority individuals living in a racist, xenophobic, ableist, sexist, heterosexist, or cissexist society. Socially Based It stems from social institutions, processes, and structures and not from individual, isolated events.
22.1.2. Examples of discrimination and minority stress in schools Forcing transgender students to use a bathroom or changing room that doesn't match their gender identity As a teacher, you can advocate for your students to try to change school policy so that structural causes of minority stress are changed or removed. It's a matter of idenifying these stressors and understanding what students who are affected by them need to not feel the stress. Not allowing religious minority students to practice parts of their religion at school (e.g. no spaces for Muslim students to pray, not allowing absences for religious holidays that aren't recognized by the state). Lack of accomodations for disabled students and inaccessible classroom or school areas. Dress codes banning natural hair or specific religious clothing. Asking racial and ethnic minority students to speak on or defend issues just because of their identity (e.g. making a Latino/Latina student defend immigration, asking Black students specifically about poverty). Using incorrect pronouns or pronouncing names inccorrectly. Allowing slurs and discriminatory language to be used in class. Providing texts that use and promote the use of discriminatory language whether racist, sexist, heterosexist, etc. For stressors like these, they could be reduced by being cognizant of student identities and make sure that instruction and the class climate, expectations, and norms support them rather than contribute to the systematic stressors that come with their identitities. Lack of diverse role models in the school or in lessons.
22.2. Effects of discrimination and minority stress
22.2.1. Mental Health Impact Can lower confidence and resiliency Detrimental to self-esteem Depression, anxiety, self harm, and suicide
22.2.2. Less motivation to succeed
22.2.3. Can lead to aggression
22.2.4. Physiological response similar to PTSD
22.2.5. Increased risk of dropping out
22.2.6. Isolation/feeling of lack of belonging
22.3. References
22.3.1. ACEs Resource Packet: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs ... (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2020 from https://www.childhealthdata.org/docs/default-source/cahmi/aces-resource-packet_all-pages_12_06-16112336f3c0266255aab2ff00001023b1.pdf Brown, Christia Spears. 2015. The Educational, Psychological, and Social Impact of Discrimiantion on the Immigrant Child. Whashington DC: Migration Policy Institute. Recognizing Discrimination. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2020, from https://www.tolerance.org/classroom-resources/tolerance-lessons/recognizing-discrimination What is Minority Stress? (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2020, from https://www.urccp.org/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=69
23. Gabriela Helping Children Cope with Witnessing a Traumatic Event
23.1. What do I do to help children who have witness a traumatic event?
23.1.1. Make the child feel safe. Children can benefit from touch, you can offer a pat on the back, offer a hug, or encouraging words to give them a feeling of security. The sense of security is so important in the aftermath of a frightening or disturbing event. Useful resources for educators:https://wmich.edu/sites/default/files/attachments/u57/2013/child-trauma-toolkit.pdf
23.1.2. Maintain routines as much as possible. Amidst chaos and change, routines reassure children that life will be okay again. Try to work closely with the parents for the children to have regular mealtimes and bedtimes.
23.1.3. For PreK: develop a class about breathing. Help children relax with breathing exercises. Deep belly breaths can help children calm down. You can say, “Let’s breathe in slowly while I count to three, then breathe out while I count to three.” Place a stuffed animal or pillow on the children's belly as they lie down and ask them to breathe in and out slowly and watch the stuffed animal or pillow rise and fall.
23.1.4. Be alert to the behavior of the students who have experienced traumatic events. Be aware of both the children who act out and the quiet children who don’t appear to have behavioral problems.They may have symptoms of avoidance and depression that are just as serious as those of the acting out student. Try to work closely with your PLC to do your best to take the child’s traumatic experiences into consideration when dealing with acting out behaviors.