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My PLN by Mind Map: My PLN

1. Social Networks

1.1. Facebook

1.2. Twitter

1.3. LinkedIn

1.4. Google+

1.5. YouTube

2. Course Management

2.1. Weebly

2.2. Google Sites

2.3. TeacherWeb

2.4. BlackBoard

3. Collaboration

3.1. Google Docs

3.2. Google Email

3.3. MindMeister

3.4. Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration

4. Web Tools

4.1. StoryBird

4.2. Glogster

4.3. VicoeThred

4.4. Prezi

4.5. Quizlet

4.6. Jing

5. Friends/Colleagues

5.1. Dan Fowler

5.2. Joel Colbert, EdD

5.3. Keith Howard, PhD

5.4. Susan Penn, MAE

6. Continuing Ed.

6.1. Chapman Doctorate

6.2. OCDE courses

6.3. ISTE

6.4. BER courses

6.5. TED Talks