Ms.Rinkel's Grade 2 Classroom Management Plan

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Ms.Rinkel's Grade 2 Classroom Management Plan by Mind Map: Ms.Rinkel's Grade 2 Classroom Management Plan

1. Not following Arrival/Departure/Bathroom Rules

1.1. Positive: Give thank you stickers to students who follow rules

1.2. Ask all the student's what the rule is in regards to arrival/departure and bathroom rules

2. Restless Behavior

2.1. Positive: Allow the student to go to the hopscotch area and let energy/ or give student fidget toy.

2.2. Allow student to have gum to chew on

2.3. Take whole class on a walk through the hallways, and do stretching along the way

2.4. Negative: take fidget toy away

2.5. Have student go sit in nook area and stretch

2.6. Have student run an errand

3. Voice Awareness Behavior

3.1. Voice levels are too high

3.1.1. Positive: Say thank you to students who are listening, hand out thank you stickers.Remind students that "Thank you" stickers can help the students receive awards

3.1.2. Negative: Grab classes attention,and ask them about out "talking over others rule" that we made. Remind everyone to pay attention to whomever is talking

3.2. Talking over others

3.2.1. Positive: put finger over mouth and raise hand to students. Thank students who are modelling your behavior until whole class is quiet.Extend thank you to whole class, and remind them that we have to keep noise level down.

3.2.2. Positive: Remind students that if I do not have to raise my hand 3 times to ask them to be quiet that they will get a reward. Either a pizza party, or movie day, or will take a vote as to what the students would like as an award.

4. Lack of Focus

4.1. Positive: Have student read out loud or re-explain topic in own words

4.2. Negative: Have student come sit near the front

5. Not Listening to Instructions

5.1. Stop classroom instructions and ask student to listen

6. Not Sharing toys/books/objects

6.1. Remove student from situation and ask privately why they are not able to share

6.2. Ask student to sit in "Quiet Zone" until they are able to share with students

7. Tantrums

7.1. Positive: Encourage student to do breathing exercises along with me

7.2. Positive: Ask student what is wrong,and see if they can write down how they are feeling

7.3. Negative: Ask student to take 5 mins in reading area, and try the breathing exercises

7.4. Negative: Ask student to come out in the hallway with you and talk it out.

7.4.1. If this does not work,proceed to bring student office with a book,and tell them once they have calmed down a bit they can come back to class

8. Lack of Group work Cooperation

8.1. Positive: Ask student if they would prefer to work individually.

8.2. Ask the student why they are having a hard time in this group in private

8.3. Ask student how they would like to "See" from their group

8.4. Have student switch groups

8.5. Negative: Ask student to come sit near my desk

8.6. Have student explain why they are having trouble working together

8.7. Ask student to say 3 things they may need to work on to make group work better

9. Hitting/Kicking

9.1. Positive: Have the student write an apology card to the other student

9.2. Have the student explain why the action is not allowed, and ask what they could have done instead of hitting or kicking

9.3. Negative: Have the student have a time out in the nook area.

9.4. Have student sit near my desk

9.5. Follow up with parents through email,or face to face

10. Acting Mean towards others

10.1. Have student apologize verbally or write an apology

10.2. Have student explain why being mean is not allowed and ask what they could have done instead ( in private of course)