Innovative educational technologies in foreign languages

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Innovative educational technologies in foreign languages by Mind Map: Innovative educational technologies in foreign languages

1. Action-Oriented Roles

1.1. Shaper

1.1.1. Implementer Completer Finisher Team Worker

2. People-Oriented Roles

2.1. Coordinator

2.1.1. Resource Investigator

3. Thought-Oriented Roles

3.1. Plant

3.1.1. Monitor-Evaluator Specialist

4. Heuristic Technique

4.1. or self-discovery that employs a practical

4.2. method that is not guaranteed to be

4.3. optimal, perfect or rational, but which is

4.4. nevertheless sufficient for reaching an

4.5. immediate, short-term goal.

4.6. A heuristic technique, or a heuristic for

5. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Approach)

5.1. Cons

5.1.1. Can de distracting for some students

5.1.2. All students may not be able to afford having and bring their own device

5.1.3. Requires additional training for instructors

5.1.4. Possibly opens up the opportunity for cheating

5.2. Pros

5.2.1. Individualized Learning

5.2.2. Increased Student Involment

5.2.3. Creates opportunities for collaborative learning

5.2.4. Creates varities in learning and assignments

5.2.5. Student participation insreases

5.2.6. Learning becomes student-driven

5.2.7. Cost-saving

6. 3 Types of Artificial Intelligence:

7. 2. Artificial General Intelligence

7.1. Machine Intelligence: Refers to a computer that is as smart as a human across the board

8. 1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence

8.1. Machine Learning: specialises in one aread and solves one problem

9. 3. Artificial Super Intelligence

9.1. Machine Counsciousness: an intellect that is much smarter than human brains in practicallz every field

10. The 9 Belbin Team Roles

11. Deligating

12. Behaviorism

12.1. Lecture

12.2. Drill and Practice

12.3. Rote learning

12.4. Multiple choice tests

13. Mindset

13.1. Growth mindset

13.1.1. Intelligence and general qualities can be developed

13.1.2. Intelligence and general qualities grow through learning and thinking

13.1.3. – Heredity determines only a part of the variance in intelligence

13.2. Fixed mindset

13.2.1. Intelligence and general qualities can not be developed

13.2.2. – Intelligence and general qualities determine what people can learn

13.2.3. – Heredity determines the highest level people can reach

14. Synergy of Teaching Methods & Learning Theories

14.1. Constructivism

14.1.1. Discovery

14.1.2. Collaborative group work

14.1.3. Scaffolding

14.1.4. Self-guided learning based on personal experience

14.1.5. Peer grading/review

14.2. Connectivism

14.2.1. Self-directed quest for content

14.2.2. Sharing of content, sources

14.2.3. Spontaneuos learning group

14.2.4. Creates knowledge collaboratively

14.3. Cognitivism

14.3.1. Lecture

14.3.2. Visual tools: mind maps, charts etc to facilitate memorization for learning

14.3.3. Multiple choice & essay assessment

15. The 4 Cs of 21th century skills

15.1. Creative Thinking

15.1.1. Divergent

15.1.2. Nonlinear

15.1.3. Intuitive

15.1.4. Organic

15.1.5. Emotional

15.2. Critical Thinking

15.2.1. Focused

15.2.2. Linear

15.2.3. Intentional

15.2.4. Systematic

15.2.5. Logical

15.3. Collaborating

15.3.1. Deciding

15.3.2. Producing

15.3.3. Reporting

15.4. Communicating

15.4.1. Listening

15.4.2. Speaking

15.4.3. Writing

16. Virtual Reality & Virtual Worlds

16.1. Immersion with a head-mounted display device

16.2. 1st person perspective

16.3. Voice communication

16.4. 3D VR games single & multiplayer