Great Depression in Latin America

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Great Depression in Latin America by Mind Map: Great Depression in Latin America

1. Growth of Nationalized Industry

1.1. Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI)

1.1.1. Peruvian Inka Cola (Garrard 350)

1.2. Mexican Nationalization of Oil (Garrard 353)

1.3. Brazilian Industrialization, Paper mills, etc. (Garrard 351)

1.4. Tourism industry in Mexico to offset oil losses

2. Internal Deflation

2.1. Led to the impact of the collapse of exports

2.1.1. A fall in unemployment for millions of people.

2.1.2. No money coming into the economy without exports

2.1.3. Failure of countries economy due to the high tariffs.

3. murderous regimes arise (fascism)

3.1. Hitler

3.2. Mussolini

3.3. Franco

3.4. Peron

3.5. Economic Inequities leading to Authoritarian rule

4. Remote rural farmers even were affected

4.1. Prices for key agriculture products dropped very low

4.1.1. Coffee, bananas, sugar

4.1.2. Price drops and demand

5. Failure of Export Economies

5.1. Tariffs on Peruvian and Bolivian Copper and Salt exports to U.S. and Europe

5.2. Heavy Tariffs on Cuban Agriculture

6. Collapse of progress and modernization

6.1. Slowdown of Urbanization due to lack of opportunity

7. Adopted protectionist policies

7.1. Raised tariff bariers

7.1.1. higher taxes placed on basic living goods

8. Rise in authoritarian leaders

8.1. Put down popular uprisings

8.1.1. Catholic church and military feared these uprisings

8.2. Latin American populist and Depression era dictators borrowed these examples