
DH Community health group project assignment

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Fluoridation by Mind Map: Fluoridation

1. H2O Fluoridation

1.1. Cost

1.2. $1.15/person

1.3. 2015

1.4. Emory

2. Optimal level of F in drinking water

2.1. 0.7-1.2 ppm

2.2. ≡ 0.7-1.2mgF/liter

2.3. Emory

3. Toxic Levels

3.1. 2ppm

3.1.1. Action Induce vomiting & or administer binding agent Bind agent example: Milk

3.2. = 4ppm

3.2.1. Lethal dose

3.2.2. Call EMS

3.3. Emory

4. Health and Human Services (HHS)

4.1. recommends to reduce the level to .7mg per Liter

4.2. Yvette

5. Mechanism of Action

6. Posterruptive (Primary)

6.1. remineralizes enamel

6.1.1. releasing fluoride systemically via saliva

6.2. Inhibits Glycolysis in Bacteria

6.2.1. Inhibits glycolysis in bacteria Hinders Acid Production from Carbs

7. Preeruptive (secondary)

7.1. replaces hydroxyapatite with fluorapatite

8. Jillian

9. Fluoride Programs

9.1. Weekly school mouth rinse

9.2. Other systemic methods:- Vitamins, Fluoride supplements

9.3. Fluoride Varnish

9.4. Sabrina

10. Source

10.1. Toothpaste

10.2. Mouthrinse

10.3. Supplements

10.4. Natural Mineral

10.5. Sabrina

11. Antifluoridationists

11.1. oppose community water fluoridation

11.2. opinions not valid

11.3. Reasons they are antifluoride

11.3.1. individual rights violated

11.3.2. individual safety

11.3.3. government mistrust

11.3.4. religious freedom

11.4. Yvette

12. Georgia

12.1. Bill in 2015 reduced the % of voters to petition for referendum

12.2. 6th in nation with fluoridated water

12.3. 96% of GA population use public water (fluoridated)

12.4. Yvette

13. classification of fluorosis

13.1. very mild

13.1.1. small opaque, paper white areas scattered irregularly over the tooth tooth, not more than 25% of the tooth

13.2. mild

13.2.1. white opaque areas not more than 50% of the tooth

13.3. moderate

13.3.1. all enamel surfaces and surfaces subject to attrition show wear, brown stains, and disfiguring

13.4. severe

13.4.1. all enamel surfaces effected, hypoplasia, discrete or confluent pitting, brown stains, corroded appearance

13.5. Christina

14. Benefits of fluoridation

14.1. helps developing enamel become strong, and resistant to decay

14.2. helps remineralize

14.3. retards growth of bacteria

14.4. Christina