Fatherhood Think Tank: Developing A 20 Year Blueprint With A 50 Year Vision

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Fatherhood Think Tank: Developing A 20 Year Blueprint With A 50 Year Vision by Mind Map: Fatherhood Think Tank: Developing A 20 Year Blueprint With A 50 Year Vision

1. Nations that support 1. Paternity leave, and 2. Women in workforce could increase GDP (*Promundo)

2. Paternity leave

2.1. Strengthening Bonding

2.1.1. Brain development, Security, Attachment Supporting women in the workforce Co-parenting Social messaging, gender equity Long-term positive economic impact

2.2. Frederick Douglas: "It's easier to raise a strong child than fix a broken man".

3. Mapping Micro-, Mezzo-, Macro-structural influences on fathers and family formation

3.1. Micro- = Individual & Personal Development

3.1.1. Inner self Strengthening home life Routines Make the Bond!!! Douglas for Mother's & Fathers Fatherhood Groups that Help Prepare & Maintain

3.1.2. Investing $2k per yr in Roth IRA at 12%, starting when child is 16 for 7 yrs - at their retirement = $1M+

3.1.3. Mental Health, Addiction, and Wellness Tailor and improve supports to include a fatherhood focus

3.1.4. Quadruple Messages on Essentially of Bonding: Invest heavily in the heavenly. Grow Roots Fatherhood Prep Classes, grow & expand - train former student-parents

3.2. Mezzo- = Messaging, Honoring, Marketing, Community Programming, Services, and Supports

3.2.1. Assess current services, evaluate, coordinate Develop services that meet needs Gain insight into systems' vision, mission, data - tailor What do we currently have Strengths Strong local network Strong national programs, services, events

3.2.2. Increasing public safety throughout cities through a public health lens involving fatherhood initiatives

3.2.3. Develop Fatherhood Groups Barbershops, CBO's, ALC's, High schools, Pirsons/Jails, Faith Communities, Streets, etc.

3.2.4. Create fatherhood groups; encourage others to start their own; support In turn, ask young brothers and sisters what it feels like to babysit while mom is 2nd shift job, why they call females b-word, what they disespected so and so

3.2.5. Prepare the 99 for when the 1 returns

3.3. Macro- = Social & Systemic Fatherhood Inclusion

3.3.1. Renewing culture of expectations & support Social messaging

3.3.2. Data on # of inmates without strong bond w/ bio father Help inmates address THE root cause of violence; Therapy, Family strengthening/reunification

3.3.3. Increasing maternal & child health outcomes

3.3.4. MN Department of Human Services African-American Child Well Being Unit, Devon Gilquist

3.3.5. Dr. Ronald B. Mincy is the Maurice V. Russell Professor of Social Policy and Social Work Practice at Columbia University. He is a leading expert on social policies for low-income fathers, especially child support and workforce development, and a co-principal investigator of the foundational Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study. Mincy holds an AB from Harvard College and a PhD from MIT.

3.3.6. Acknowledge Social and Structural Blindness to Social Ills Ex) Inequities live within systems Ex) Disproportionate # of ADOS children eat breakfast/lunch at school; tremendous call for schools to do more to serve meals during covid-19 - Why do we automatically rely on schools instead of supporting families to have food; empower fatherhood to be included in alll facets and we produce solutions!

3.3.7. Develop accountable systems; don't push the 1 away from 99

3.4. World Health Organization's efforts to involve fatherhood in ways that increase maternal and infant/child health outcomes

3.4.1. "Family Included" Program UK guidelines on involving fathers in maternity care

3.5. Aspen Institute, Fatherhood Learning and Action Community

3.5.1. https://ascend.aspeninstitute.org/announcing-aspen-institute-fatherhood-learning-and-action-community/

3.5.2. Joe Jones, Aspen Fellow

4. Family Institute Housing & Programming

4.1. MOTHERS Institute

4.2. FATHERS Institute

4.3. BROTHERS Institute

5. Arts & Entertainment

5.1. Art forms that acknolwdge, uplift, and wrestle with complexities of fatherhood

5.1.1. Emphasis on Black and Indigenous Fatherhood

5.2. Fatherhood-ology Compilation Album

5.2.1. Challenge Local Artists

5.2.2. Challenge other Cities to produce their own compilation album

5.3. Dads 2.0 Summit

6. Tapping Into the Spirit of Fatherhood

6.1. "Fatherhood is perhaps the greatest untapped natural and spiritual resource available on the entire planet due to it's universality, motivational capacity, and employability."

6.2. Develop Fatherhood as loving, praying, guiding, assuring

6.2.1. "May the people from different paths recognize each other." - Cherokee blessing and prayer

6.3. Work towards tipping point - showcase how fatherhood practices increase social health and safety measures.

6.3.1. Work on global leadership who understand and support the Spirit of Fatherhood; "power with, not power over", patriarchal dominance is shortsighted

6.4. Example of the Spirit of Fatherhood

6.4.1. Kobe and Gianna

7. Malachi 4:6 - Build upon scriptural foundation, The Living Word

7.1. Last scripture in Old Testament

7.1.1. Bridge into New Testament Matthew goes directly into lineage Father begot son who begot

7.2. Parable of Path of Presidents and Kings

7.2.1. Once a father named George Bush became President. He had a son named George Bush who also became President. Both father and son who were Presidents led their nation to war. Once a father named Martin Luther was a King. He had a son named Martin Luther who also was a King. Both father and son who were Kings led their nation to peace. Question to fathers: As a father are you teaching your son to be on the path of Presidents or the path of Kings?

7.3. Position of this scripture as the very last words in the Old Testament is no coincidence

7.3.1. "And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.”

7.4. Prophets quiet for 400 years after Malachi. A biblical parallel about being quiet about fatherhood can be drawn from 1619-2019. It is time.

8. Reports & Data

8.1. Promundo, Reports

8.1.1. State of the World's Fathers https://s30818.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/BLS19063_PRO_SOWF_REPORT_015.pdf

8.1.2. State of America's Father https://promundoglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/State-of-Americas-Fathers-report-June-12-2016.pdf

8.2. Dad Stats

8.3. Minnesota Fathers and Families Network

8.3.1. "Do We Count Fathers" Report

8.4. Fatherless Children Statistics and Other Data on Fatherhood | NFI

8.5. Looking into partnership w/ Georgetown Juvenile Justice to create new data streams involving FATHERHOOD

9. APOSTLES Prayer Breakfasts

9.1. Ambassadors Prayerfully Obedient to the Saviors Teachings of Love, Edification, and Sacrifice

9.1.1. Acts 2:42-47 1. Gather in His name 2. Break bread together 3. Study Jesus like the apostles studied Jesus 4. Pray for guidance on the message revealed during gathering

9.2. Have with your family, with yourself in needed

9.2.1. Host in community, you gather

9.3. Churches gather

9.4. Holy Spirit Led

9.5. Stations of the cross

9.5.1. Read letters written during lent binding us to Jesus in each station Pray for guidance

10. Practitioner Network & Trainings

10.1. Fatherhood: Multiplier for Public Health, The Hidden Ingredient

10.2. Neil Tift

10.2.1. Re-start a National Network: Fatherhood Practitioners National Network

11. Funding for Movement Work

11.1. Policy Window - Prison Reform

11.1.1. Bipartisan

11.2. New TANF Restructuring Next 6 Months

11.3. Social Impact Bonds

11.3.1. Ford Foundation, $1 Billion Future of funding

11.3.2. Must showcase cost savings & economic mobility through our work

12. Black Girls Rock

12.1. https://lead.blackgirlsrock.com/

13. Art Rolnik

13.1. Gesell Program in Early Childhood

13.2. Early childhood development is economic development with a very high return on investment

14. Nationally

14.1. Problem: No coordinated entity

14.1.1. Solution: We Know Who Develop One, We Can Ask For Help To Create Another -- Utilize Technology, Save Money Leader: Point person/people who is/are widely respected across sectors and influencial; involves others - not elitist. *No blocking people out.

14.2. Used to have National Practitioners Network for Fathers and Families (NPNFF)

14.3. Aspen Institute

14.3.1. ASPEN INSTITUTE FATHERHOOD LEARNING AND ACTION COMMUNITY Joe Jones, Baltimore, Aspen Fellow Worked w/ Obama on Fatherhood Initiatives

15. UN Year of Fatherhood

15.1. Peace & Reconciliation

15.2. The UN has never had a Year that recognizes Fatherhood/Fathers

15.2.1. Africa Middle East South America Strong Focus on Peace Process(es)

15.2.2. Cultivate with Indigenous Peoples

15.3. Research the UN "Simmit on Fathers"

15.3.1. Dr. Kyle Pruett said he spoke; however cannot find any record of summit

15.4. Study International Women's Day (March 8) for insight how to develop

15.4.1. Official UN Themes Every year since '96 the UN hosted a "Year of" that supports women Ex) 1997, Women at the Peace Table -- Duplicate; Fatherhood at the Peace Table

16. Millions Fathers March (plural)

16.1. Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC

16.1.1. Same Step from where Rev Dr. King gave his message, Civil Rights March, Aug 28. 1963

16.2. Fatherhood is naturally and spiritually universal

16.2.1. So...build peace process through the true Spirit of Fatherhood

16.2.2. Hold each religion accountable through fatherhood 'Man' is competitive and independent Fatherhood is cooperative and interdependent

16.3. Have sent countless messages to Minister Louis Farrakhan asking him to call the nation, akin to the Million Man March in 1995

16.3.1. Met w/ Yusef Salaam (Central Park Five, "The Exonerated Five")

16.4. Planted seed of March, Atlanta, 2001 Intentional Fatherhood Conference (IFC)

16.4.1. Spoke again at 2002 IFC, Washington DC - discussed forging symbolic bond between North and South and unify fatherhood Last spoke publicly, 2003 IFC in Anaheim, CA. Message sweeping from West to East.

17. Local History

17.1. Festival for Fathers & Families

17.1.1. 30 Year Celebration in 2020 New direction Move date to September 19

17.2. Minneapolis referred to as Epicenter of Fatherhood Movement in late '90's

17.2.1. Fathers' Resource Center, Established by Neil Tift, 1991

17.2.2. FATHER Project established 1999 - Present

18. 20 Yr Plan, 50 Year Blueprint

18.1. Start In St. Paul & Minneapolis Blueprint

18.1.1. Challenge, Encourage, and Assist Other Cities Around The World To Lead Development of Their Own Blueprint Tailored to Their Region

18.2. Global

18.2.1. Challenge other Countries around the world to create their own 50 Year Fatherhood Blueprint

19. Marketing Fatherhood

20. International Fatherhood Conferences - 22nd Year 2020

20.1. NPCL, Dr. Johnson

20.1.1. Professor Bowling and Zach hosted 2018 IFC in Minneapolis

21. Fatherhood Summits & Symposiums

21.1. Developing one in St. Paul (date TBD)

21.1.1. God said to hold it in St. Paul, more than a capital city, named after a man who evolved from Saul to Paul, tailor Summit to help the Sauls and Pauls Invite gurus in various fields; they give 18 minute Ted Talk-like message 12 minute roundtable rapid-fire brainstorming sessions written from sparks & connections generated from each topic Point person helps coordinate study and action groups

21.2. Wrote letter hand delivered to Ziauddin Yousefzai, Malala's father, asked him to build Fatherhood Summit & Symposium that teaches fathers how to support girls education, stand up against Taliban/extremists, and mobilize nations to support fathers and girls education

21.3. Learn from model of the Family Summit

21.3.1. Family Summit & Conference: Atlanta, GA, August 25-27, 2017

21.3.2. Minister Farrakhan

21.3.3. Sister Ati H. Cushmeer Contact Info 404-314-3083 [email protected] Lead Organizer for 2017 Summit Sister Ati stated willingness to assist us develop

22. Social Messaging & Marketing

22.1. Challenge & assist companies to tap into fatherhood, involve, market to...

22.2. Love & Gianna = GirlDad

23. Fatherhood Movement 2.0

23.1. Assess gaps in ourselves, services, policies, systems, messaging, vision &

23.1.1. Learn what other nations are doing Ex) United Kingdom

23.2. Review history of local, national, international fatherhood movements

23.2.1. Fatherhood Movement is Brother to Civil Rights Movement Re-engage fatherhood, re-engage civil rights movement

24. Build on Universality of Fatherhood, NOT just Fathers

24.1. Fatherhood includes ALL members of the human family; women, men, children, Elders

24.1.1. Ask Elders what fatherhood should and could be

24.1.2. Ask women/mothers what fatherhood should and could be

24.1.3. Ask men/fathers what fatherhood should and could be

24.1.4. Ask children what fatherhood should and could be

24.2. Essential attributes/examples of Fatherhood: Loving, Praying, Guiding, Assuring, Truthfulness, Atonement, Preparing, Reparations, Healing, Peace, Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Restoration, Maintain, Teaching, Training, Redemption, Salvation

25. MN Prisons

25.1. Reach MN Commissioner of Corrections Schnell

25.1.1. Work With Kristi Cobbs

25.2. Tap Into John Turnipseed's Current Work In MN Prisons