Jedi Realism
by Katie B
1. Yahoo Groups
1.1. Jedi Convocation
1.2. Jedi Knight Movement
1.3. Jediism
1.4. Spiritual Jedi
1.5. Unified Jedi
2. Non-Specific Study Materials
2.1. Embracing Mystery
2.2. Kheper
2.3. Metaphysics and Grids
2.4. Truly Free E-books
3. Organizations
3.1. Ashla Knights
3.2. Force Academy
3.3. Jedi
3.4. Jedi Resource Centre
3.5. Jedi Temple
3.6. Order of the Jensaari
3.7. Temple of the Jedi Force
3.8. Temple of the Jedi Order
4. Books
4.1. Art of War
4.2. Brain Respiration
4.3. Bringers of Light
4.4. Dark Side of the Light Chasers
4.5. Geneology of Morals
4.6. Hero of a Thousand Faces
4.7. Light: Medicine of the Future
4.8. Mind Manipulation
4.9. Portable Jung
4.10. Power of Now
4.11. Prince
4.12. Satanic Bible
4.13. Selfish Gene
4.14. Spiritual Practices of the Ninja
4.15. Star Wars and Philosophy
4.16. Striking Thoughts from Bruce Lee
4.17. Structure of Scientific Revolutions
4.18. Tao of Physics
4.19. Tao of Star Wars
4.20. Tao te Ching
4.21. There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
4.22. Thus Spoke Zarathustra
4.23. Warrior of Light
5. Forums
5.1. Crystal Dancers
5.2. Elysium
5.3. Force Academy
5.4. Force Study Centre
5.5. International Jedi Alliance Acadamy
5.6. Jedi
5.7. Jedi Creed
5.8. Jedi Praxeum
5.9. Jedi Realist Academy
5.10. Jedi Resource Centre
5.11. Jedi Temple
5.12. Jedi Temple Academy
5.13. Jediism Way
5.14. Order of the Sith
5.15. Shadow Jedi Academy
5.16. Temple of the Jedi Force
5.17. Temple of the Jedi Order
5.18. Unified Jedi
5.19. Unified Jedi Sith Order
5.20. United Jedi Order
6. JR Information Websites
6.1. Force Academy
6.2. Great Jedi Holocron
6.3. Jedaiism
6.4. Jedi Consortium
6.5. Jedi Creed
6.6. Jedi Harmony
6.7. Jedi Q
6.8. Jedi Training Archive
6.9. Jedi Union
6.10. Jedi Way
6.11. Jediism Way
6.12. Real Jedi Knights
6.13. Shadow Jedi
6.14. Shadow Jedi Academy
6.15. Storm Jedi Praxeum
6.16. Temple of the Jedi Force
6.17. Temple of the New Jedi Realm
6.18. Unified Jedi
6.19. University of the Gedi Arts
6.20. University of the Jedi Arts
7. Files & Information
7.1. Beliefnet
7.1.1. Darth Vader's Karma
7.1.2. Force is with Everyone
7.1.3. Yoda and Yoga
7.2. Elegant Universe
7.3. Force
7.4. Jedi Wisdom
7.5. Jedi's Evolutions
7.6. Secret
7.7. Star Wars and Philosophy
7.7.1. Introduction - Chapter 2
7.7.2. Chapter 3
7.7.3. Chapter 4
7.7.4. Chapter 5