Core C4 - Web of Commitment

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Core C4 - Web of Commitment создатель Mind Map: Core C4 - Web of Commitment

1. Wisdom

1.1. Luke

1.1.1. When I say "Aha aha", will you say "Aha aha"?

1.2. Harold

1.2.1. When I say "I give a hoot, I self-boot", will you say "hoot hoot!"?

2. Presence

2.1. Peter Reiterer

3. Love

3.1. Jim

3.2. David

4. Joy

4.1. Sandy

4.2. Janell

5. Abundance Thinking

5.1. Dave Rahardja

6. Self Care

6.1. Paul Reeves

7. Fun

7.1. Vickie

8. Serenity

8.1. Gino

9. Integrity

9.1. Jeremy

9.1.1. When I say "I respect ALL BEINGS", you say "Jeremy, you have my respect"

9.2. Jeff Grigg

10. Faith

10.1. Tim

10.1.1. When I say "Pretending sets me free!" You say "Imagine that!"

10.2. Tolga

10.2.1. When I say: "I want to believe... you say:"Pray first, then keep on building"

11. To Love Myself

11.1. Christophe

12. To Connect

12.1. windchill