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Vascular Bundles by Mind Map: Vascular Bundles

1. Xylem (Danita, Kim, Heak, Somaly, Harry)

1.1. made out of thick walls stiffened with lignin

1.1.1. 1. Prevent from it being pullled out of the ground.

1.1.2. 2. Have better protection in the center

1.2. water only travels in one direction; from the roots to the leaves

1.3. it is impermeable to water and have walls containing lignin.

1.4. xylems are made from dead cells

1.5. transpiration; the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves 🍃, stems and flowers 🌹 🌷 🌺 💐

1.6. xylem moves water and solutes from roots to leaves

1.7. it also transports nutrients

1.8. xylems mainly transport mineral salts and water

2. PHLOEM ( Ryan, Shukhy, Reachny, Angela)

2.1. Translocation: Movement of glucose & amino acids

2.2. vessel has cells moving in both directions

2.3. incharge of the process: Translocation

2.3.1. translocation: movement from minerials in plants from leaves to other parts of the plant

2.4. has living cells

2.4.1. opposite of xylem which is made up of dead cells

2.5. moves sucrose to from leaves to the rest of the plants

2.6. Contains, made up of cells called sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma cells and phloem fibres

2.7. Discovered in 1837 by forest bontanist, Hartig

2.8. located outside of the xylem in most trees

2.9. Located near the finest branches and terminations of sieve tubes in leaf veinlets

2.10. Cells conduct food from leaf to the rest of the plant.

2.11. Main function is to transport minerals which is already disolved in water

2.12. Insects feed on phloem by entering a fine tube penetrating into phloem cells

2.13. Helps photosynthesis by providing it with energy and water

3. miss where are we calling through?