1. Building the system
1.1. Can be costly, but might be the most cost effective as we will have growing number of employees and properties which will require bigger storage, hence will cost more if we were to buy.
1.1.1. Also, for security reason, it may be more secured as we will be the only company who has access to all the security features and control. If we were to hire external firm, they will have access to our security settings.
2. Group 212
2.1. MoveIT
2.1.1. Recommendation agents: in order to match customer needs to company resources and to match customer preferences to local amenities. In order to implement this technology, we need the following infrastructure Company website and online user profile The development and design of the website will be outsourced. It will cost between $4000-$7500. Recommendation agent: it is unique to our company and would need to be created. The manufacture and creation of the technology would be outsourced, but MoveIT would aid in the design of the technology Company Databases- by outsourcing, MoveIT eliminates the need to hire and retain IT staff database of client information: We need to build this database (as opposed to buy it) because it needs to be connected to our company website/online user profile. Customers should be able to input their information on the company website and the database should be able to collect and record it. Database of amenities in Vancouver and their corresponding ratings: We need to build this database because it needs to store and gather information on amenities, such as restaurants based on the criteria that MoveIT specifies. For example, MoveIT only wants to record information on restaurants from certain review sites like UrbanSpoon and it wants the corresponding ratings/reviews that these restaurants have received. This is very unique to MoveIT and therefore cannot be bought. database of employee information/company resources: We need to build this database because it needs to connect to our company website/online user profile. Based on the data that customers will input (ex. the products they want moved) on the online user profile, the database needs to have corresponding information on our employees (ex. type of training they have received).
3. Group 211
3.1. Good Foods
3.1.1. We will be buying our IT infrastructure. Our IT is going to be GIS based Renting Cons: - Although renting is cheaper initially, in the long run it becomes more expensive as we have continuously pay fees to continue using the system. Also, even though it is true that if we rent the system we can access third party tech support if there is a problem, that will still consist of more costs expended on the system in the long run. By renting, we become more dependent on a third party and have to rely on their resources. If our system were to break down, we would have to wait for someone else to fix it (as opposed to buying, we can hire and train specialists to maintain the system). Based on our firm and value proposition of maintaining high quality (and based on the characteristics of our products), our company cannot afford a breakdown in the system and have to wait for a third party to fix it. Buying: Pros - There is a one time fee of buying, but after all we have to do is maintain the IT infrastructure. In other words, our costs during the long run will only consist of maintenance costs, after the one initial price . Furthermore, we will actually own the infrastructure, gaining more control over the system without relying on third party resources as often. Lastly, if we are to further improve on this system, we can build improvements on this existing structure because we own it (instead of just scrapping the whole thing and renting or looking for a complete alternative). This will ensure the longevity of our system, as we can just improve the technology instead of scrapping the whole IT. Building Cons: - Building an IT infrastructure is not viable for our company. We don't have sufficient funds to hire a specialist to produce blueprints of a new infrastructure. Furthermore, the whole process of building the structure from scratch takes a long time to compete. As a small company, we do not have the time and funds to afford this. Also, there are a lot of patents that we may need to consider if building a particular structure, and we may also need to file for new patents. The patent process takes a long time to finish, adding more delay for our system to be finished. Lastly, at the rate technology is growing, the chances that our finished structure will remain up-to-date are slim, due to the length of time to finish this system. Therefore, the chances of our system to fail is high (if built). We must keep in mind that we are a small and upcoming company, and we cannot afford to build something from scratch.
4. To implement the IT solution in your company, will you buy, build or "rent" (e.g., via cloud computing) your IT infrastructure? Why?
5. Group 219
5.1. We won't build it because the operations and size of the company are too small to afford hiring an IT person just for the purpose of building/developing an application
5.2. We will not rent the technology given the fact that we will leverage the benefits of having this technology on the long term; if we were to rent it it would be an ongoing higher cost as well> so it makes financial sense. We also will be gaining autonomy by buying the technology but then operating on it ourselves
5.3. we are going to BUY our technology since we are planning to implement a website, database and newsletter. We will buy an application that would allow to aggregate the necessary information for our newsletter which will give customers up to date info on cleaning services, restaurants in their new neighbourhood after having moved using our moving services. By OUTSOURCING and deciding to buy the technology from a third party we will have a higher investment return
5.3.1. WEBSITE: we can not rent a website, its not what it is usually done in the industry, instead we will buy it for aprox. 4000 $
5.3.2. DATABASE: its costs aprox 2000 $ to create a database that is connected to our website; there is no way we can possible rent it because it has to be 100 % tailored to our needs as well as for security matters
5.3.3. NEWSLETTER: its costs 350$ for a newsletter designer to create the framework of our newsletter (one time cost), this is a one time transaction and so it make no operational sense to rent the design because we want it unique and 100 % tailored
6. Group 213
6.1. Good Foods Canada
6.1.1. Inventory Management System Purchase the inventory management system from an external source. and have it accessible from all three stores' computers. Will need to hire a developer to create "middleware" that will connect our pre- existing POS system (that uses bar codes) and our newly purchased RFID system with the inventory management system We are assuming that we already have computers located in the stores given the stores needs to manage inventory in the past. These computers will be the HARDWARE that will host the newly improved inventory management system and middleware. We will pruchase system upgrades to insure that the new inventory management systems that we purchase are all compatible.
7. Group 215
7.1. City WorkForce
7.1.1. Cloud Computing Rent Clouds/storage space online Increases internet speed as well as provide space for storage
7.1.2. Company Database Build internally Will help establish competitive advantage Hire an IT director to build the database for CityWork Force offices throughout Canada Not going to rent or buy the database because City WorkForce needs a customized database for internal use and for combatting competition
8. Group 214
8.1. Vanalyst
8.1.1. Vanalyst will buy its IT infrastructure. Mobile E-Commerce Application The development of the mobile application will be outsourced to a development firm that specializes in the type of application we will be developing (i.e. banking app) IT Infrastructure: DSS and TPS systems Vanalyst will have a DSS and a TPS to record transactions and data required for the functioning of the business. By purchasing this infrastructure Vanalyst will be able to put their focus on understanding and adapting to the new database management systems. Due to the nature of the business as a financial services company, Vanalyst doesn't have the IT expertise in the company in order to develop the technology and infrastructure themselves Renting the technology doesn't make sense for vanalyst as they are looking for long term solutions. If on the otherhand that there was a significant initial investment to buy and it was for short term payoffs then renting might be a feasible option, but in Vanalysts case it doesn't make sense On top of that, renting the infrastructure would mean that the company in which we would rent the technology from would have access to the information that is being gathered and transfered through the database systems. This brings up a security issue as due to being a financial service company, every customers information and transactions are highly confidential and therefore renting is not a very good solution
9. Group 220
9.1. Rent cloud computing infrastructure
9.1.1. Cloud computing: Hire any other software company to rent out their infrastructure for our company use. We will also hand outsource the maintenance responsibility to them Renting will save a lot of capital investment which can be invested on other aspects of the business, such as buying a system to manage HR that is going to cost less The reason we want to use cloud computing is that we can allow all the other agents to access data in order to provide more personalized service New node
9.2. Buying an HR software, such as Taleo Technology
9.2.1. Cheaper: doesn't require huge capital investment
9.2.2. We believe in creating value for customer by giving them one-to-one service, therefore, it's important for us to have employees who are great at customer oriented service and we, VanRealty, must be able to track their performance This technology will enable us to get total control of the business, for e.g. keeping customer records etc.
10. Group 216
11. Group 217
12. Group 218
12.1. We are buying our technology. Our IT solution will be to create a website, a system for scheduling, GPS, TPS, and a customer database.
12.1.1. Website: We will have to buy a domain for our firm and we can outsource the designing and maintaining of the website as we can get it at a low cost.
12.1.2. Scheduling System: It is a necessity for our firm in order to provide up-to-date information on our available services. This is a good investment as it will improve the long-run efficiency and productivity of our firm.
12.1.3. Customer Database: As a start-up firm, we can build this database using simple software like Microsoft Excel, but as we grow and increase our customer base, we will have to invest in a stable and secure system to store our customer details. The system costs about $400 to buy and we feel that it is worth it as it takes care of the invoicing/managing of accounts/ and customer information as well.
12.1.4. Renting technologies would not be cost-efficient for us in the long run. For the technologies that we are planning to implement, the costs will offset itself in the long-run.
12.1.5. GPS: It costs about $100-$150 to buy a GPS. This is an essential technology since we are a moving firm and we will be on the road most of the time. Thus, it is important that we find the fastest route to get to destinations to save fuel and labour costs. It can also double as a tracking system, for our moving firm to monitor the locations of our trucks.
13. GPS delivery tracking
13.1. Rent (outsource), large infrastructure that requires a lot of capabilities that our company does not currently possess. Renting for our size of a company is much more cost effective that creating a system on our own.
14. Group 201
14.1. RFID Technology
14.1.1. Specifically a Versus System, which includes installation of a complete RFID system throughout the clinic and customization and installation of Versus software to utilize the RFID data in a user-friendly interface. Buy ("Liscense") Reasons why it is better to buy: Maintenance The technology from Versus would be used in-house by our own trained employees. Certain employees, such as the Flow Manager, will be trained in fixing and mantaining the hardware. They will also understand how to utilize and maintain our in house servers. The maintenance of the software, however, will be outsourced since it would be too expensive to have a team of IT specialists on hand. Also, since the company Versus is in North America, the support needed in case of a major issue will be easily obtainable. Software can easily be modified elsewhere and then simply updated on our system. Data Storage There are 2 key components to our data storage: our electronic records system and our RFID system.
15. Group 202
15.1. Cloud-computing technology
15.1.1. Resume and Job Description Matching System - Rent (outsource) Cloud-computing technology Using the off-site infrastructure of a third party Cloud-computing service provider, Taleo Cloud Management Solutions Eliminates maintenance cost as the external service provider is responsible for any breakdowns and loss of service. The fee is around $100 dollars per employee access account for small enterprises like City Workforce. Comparative to research and development costs of building a new software, this is much more economically feasible. The provider has proven the capacity of their cloud-computing service by maintaining contracts with large corporations like Adidas and Indigo. Privacy and security concerns must be mitigated as the information that is process through the system is highly confidential, to avoid "poaching" by other talent agencies as well as to protect the interests of our clients. There must be very strict clauses in the contract. Danger of being overly dependent on a 3rd-Party as we may lose our operational efficiency and information should our contract be discontinued or the provider terminate services.
15.1.2. Assessments and Background Checks - Rent (Outsource) Off-site infrastructure of a third-party service provider - Kennexa Information processing system needs to be updated regularly to evolve with employement trends and new assessment methodologies, so buying a software would not be the best solution as it would soon become outdated. This strategic activity is not a core feature of our value proposition, as honesty and competency is the minimum City WF or any other talent agency would ask of their associates. It would not warrant the significant effort and resource requred to develop an trademarked software.
15.1.3. Performance and Compensation Systems Buy a software from existing developer, store hardware on site. The platforms for these systems are fairly mature, so a one time expense around ~$2000 is very reasonable to be able to use a system that would be serviceable for the next five years. The information that would be stored in the related databases are very sensitive, so to ensure maximum security, the hardware would be located on-site, and access would be highly restricted.
15.1.4. Training and Development Systems Develop in partnership with a software producer. It is not enough to recruit the best talent, City WorkForce must continually develop existing associates to ensure that they remain competitive in the current job market. This would be a source of competitive advantage, so our training applications must be unique to City WorkForce, therefore, it would be profitable to develop a system.
16. Group 203
16.1. Van Realty: We are BUYING, the emPerform software.
16.1.1. Having ownership of the system will grant us more control. We can quickly be able to grant/deny access to agents, management and customers. We can even assign different degrees of authorization (limited, full ... access) Additionally we can update to a newer version of the software down the road if we require it. This is a much easier option in comparison to building a whole new software. We would avoid going through the financial burdens of devolpment. As we could simply ask the software provider to tweak and add features if our company requires them in the new version.
16.1.2. Buying the software would be a better option for company as this would eliminate the hassles that come from creating and building a whole new system. Devoting company resources towards creating software would not be in alignment with our company goals also Our company would rather focus our efforts and financial resources towards actually implementing the software, and training management how to use it with ease. emPerform allows for training and support, plans can be crafted for each client to reflect their training needs. The software is cheaper to buy compared with developing our own or renting. We can avoid huge up front investment. New node
16.1.3. We must have ownership and have the system implemented inhouse because are a firm that demonstrates integrity. We are servicing clients with an enormous amount of wealth, and their information must be kept confidential to avoid privacy issues. Because our service requires constant communication with customers, having possession of their contact information must be kept safe and kept only for the use of VanRealty, and for the purpose of providing the real estate service. The network of companies in our referral system must be kept safe and inhouse to avoid competitors from gaining access to them. We want to foster a good relationship with them. We can utilize our own encryption codes, firewalls, and content filtering for technical security purposes.
17. Group 204
17.1. City Workforce: We are RENTING our systems
17.1.1. Networked Collective Intelligence and Recommendation agents Recommendation agents are always changing, so it would be risky to buy the system when we would most likely have to buy an updated version in the near future Save costs Particularly a large upfront investment cost that we would have to pay if we bought Repairs/maintenance workers that we would have to hire and pay wages to if we bought There will always be someone (in the company we're renting from) who has more education and knowledge of the IT, therefore we have more potential for problem assistance Because the system is going to be new to our company, renting it will allow us to expand or change based on how the preliminary stages of implementations go - we don't have to commit to a specific system
18. Group 205
18.1. Internal database
18.1.1. build, not a huge investment to make to create a good system, due to the size of our company. Also by handling the system "in house" we can hopefully increase the level of security will be a long term investment, therefore worth its cost
19. Group 207
19.1. DataMed will rent their IT infrastructure
19.1.1. Price Renting a server with the capabilities that are appropriate for DataMed (for example, a quad-core xenon server with 8 GB of memory) is about $300 per month. The annual price would be $3,600 Server itself doesn't usually cost that much, but in the context of a web server, the cost of ownership will be significantly more when you take into account networking, internet connection, server management, and maintenance
19.1.2. Management Ownership of an IT infrastructure not only requires server resources, but also disk space, bandwidth, and networking resources. By renting, DataMed would no longer need to be concerned as long as the renting contract indicates that there will be adequate resources to handle these systems. By owning the infrastructure, DataMed's IT management may not be prepared to scale to additional spikes in demand. However, renting from an infrastructure expert, these concerns can be appropriately addressed as they are specialized in this
19.1.3. Focus With technology being handled by a professional third party, Datamed can focus on its main function and value proposition - which is providing quality healthcare service and excellent customer service Also, there will be no need to allocate a huge amount of resources and costs associated with developing system ourselves. It wouldn't be ideal nor efficient for DataMed to handle their own server and maintain an immense security system as they are dealing with highly confidential and private information. Handling the system on their own would pose vulnerable risks, whereas if the system was rented, handled, and managed by a specialized company, then DataMed doesn't need to worry too much about the growing security costs if they handled it on their own Resources can be allocated in a more efficient and effective way to functions that will support our value proposition. Less need to be an expert at the technical aspect; support and maintenance is easily available The information system is not necessarily our competitive advantage; there is no risk of competitors copying us
19.1.4. Security We acknowledge that there are a number of threats that we may be vulnerable to by using an internet server. However, by working with a third party who is proficient at information systems, they would be able to help us in improving security, costing us less resources compared to if we have to deal with it on our own. There is a need to choose the right company to work with that will provide us with the necessary services and requirements. Privacy, ownership and confidentiality of information can be negotiated through contracts and the law
19.1.5. Speed If DataMed owned their own infrastructure, DataMed will be limited on their bandwidth and resources, whereas if DataMed were to rent the infrastructure, the infrastructure experts can negotiate with the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to allocate more resources for DataMed specifically as the infrastructure company is specialized in this area
20. Group 208
20.1. Good Foods
20.1.1. loyalty program system database: buy System is already available from various companies specializing in loyalty programs. They can customize this for our chain for an additional but reasonable fee. The starting price for such systems is $98 for a very basic package for 3 stores. For our desired package we expect it to cost a total of around $4000 for all 10 stores. Rental is available, but as this system requires ongoing use, it would be expensive in the long-term. It is possible to build the desired system from scratch. However, this is very costly as it would require a lot of time hiring IT professionals, and buying software, and conducting research.
20.1.2. app build we will develop a simple app that will only have a link to our mobile friendly website
20.1.3. website outsource/develop will ask a web developer to set up templates and the web outline for us we will expect someone in marketing to update/maintain the website
21. Group 209
21.1. City Workforce
21.1.1. 4 different pieces of IT infrastructure A recommendation system to match job openings to the best available temps (based on qualifications, personality characteristics, interests, location, etc.) Because this is a unique system, it will need to be custom-developed for City Workforce. Online signup, temp request, and profile management system This is a website that all City Workforce clients (both temp workers and the companies that want to hire temps) will use to register with city workforce. Temps and companies will also be able to update their profiles (e.g., if temps hours of availability change, they can update their profile with their new hours). Companies will also be able to request temp workers through this system. Development of this website will be outsourced to a web design company. Scheduling/billing management system This is the piece of software that City Workforce staff will actually use on their workstations when matching temps with job openings. The recommendation system will automatically send a list of the top 10 most suitable candidates for a given job opening, and our staff will look at these top ten candidates and choose the top five from among them. They will then be able to use this system to contact those temps and register them for jobs. Database of client information and ratings All of the data collected from the online registration system and temp/employer ratings of work performance and satisfaction will be stored in a database.
22. Group 210
22.1. Good Foods
22.1.1. Buy RFID system Purchase RFID printers, readers, and antennae Once the RFID printer is purchased, we can print out the tags at ease with no restrictions RFID tags are cheap and easy to maintain This will allow us to place RFID tags on multiple products without having to deal with significant cost Train employees to use RFID system System is easy to use, does not require extensive training Skills easily taught Easily accessible information Global-tracking system for tags Use of bluetooth handheld readers Internal IT specialist will develop the database for our store Our store will have control over resources and accessible data Data is kept within the organization Cost-efficient compared to outsourcing Security Team goals will be aligned with company goals Unnecessary to outsource the maintenance of our RFID system
23. Group 206
23.1. VAnalyst should buy IT infrastructure
23.1.1. Our company has excess working capital and has the resources and ability to buy more legitimate and established IT tools There are many sophisticated and extremely developed IT tools on the market at the moment; because we're dealing with a lot of important, classified personal information, we don't want to be responsible for losing or compromising that information due to faulty IT infrastructure development. Technology is not one of our core competencies as a company, so it would not compromise our company to buy this technology/asset from a third party. As long as the company has ownership of the information, data and knowledge on this infrastructure, it is better for us to buy products from an established and reputable IT firm Since we have the capital to invest in these technologies, there is not reason not to buy rather than rent, as we don't expect to have to reinvest in these technologies/infrastructure for a very long time.
23.1.2. We don't necessarily have the skill or or expertise to build our own IT infrastructure because we are a financial services company; we don't have specialized IT staff so that we can keep our operating and HR costs lower
23.1.3. Renting is not a good option for our company because we want to own our clients' information; it would be unethical to make our clients' financial and personal information available to third parties, and we don't want to rent because we want ownership of all of our assets as well as the opportunity to build on and develop them in the future We essentially need something to make our operations more efficient to be competitive in the industry, not to be on the cutting edge of technology. We don't foresee any drastic changes in technological tools for the financial industry in the near future, so we don't see any value in renting as opposed to buying. The only reason we would consider renting technology is if it were a significant financial investment with a short life expectancy; however this is not the case.