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Globalisation by Mind Map: Globalisation

1. Both are grounded by positivism

2. 5. it created and increased social inequalities.

3. post colonialism: globalisation was made for the west to dominate poor and weaker countries for their benefit.

3.1. Marxism: globalisation only create more conflicts and more differences between classes

3.1.1. realism: they are skeptical towards it. and rather than cooperation, they see the states Independent, created by stated for states.(benefit states, especially the US)

4. theories on globalisation: liberalism realism..

4.1. Liberalism think people are harmony being. therefore, people can cooperation well in globalisation. They emphasises on internationalism

4.2. Realism think globalisation affected by power struggles and conflict which makes peaceful cooperation difficult. Emphasises power politics

5. critical perspectives:

5.1. Feminist: believe that globalization only benefits men because of how woman have to immigrate to get a job

5.2. Liberalism: liberalists have a positive view towards globalisation unlike realists, they stated that glob. enhance or encourages interdependence.

6. positives:

6.1. 3. money brought in from multinational corps could be used in improving education, health system, standards of living

6.2. 1. multi national corporations offer jobs opportunities for the unemployed local in LEDC countries

6.3. 2. transnational corporations brings wealth into the economy of a state in several ways such as more corporations mean more employee's therefore more taxes being paid

6.4. 4. it exposed struggles to the world which made people more aware of global issues such as Climate Change.

6.5. 5. it gave people the access to a bigger market which led to creating cheaper goods for consumers with the same or even higher quality.

6.6. 6. it reduced the gap between the rich and poor through technology and the expansion of trade and innovation.

7. negatives:

7.1. 1. worker in LEDC were forced to work in poor conditions for lower than minimum wage to live a standard life (exploitation) and thats for multi corps sake to maximize profit.

7.2. 4. harmful gas from production, transportation, industrialization were released even more into the air polluting the atmosphere even more and creating problems like the ozone layer gap.

7.3. 6. economic instability for countries

7.4. 2. it can cause for local beliefs and languages to be lost and become westernized such as how several counties speak mostly English instead of their original language.

7.5. 3. it made transportation for terrorists to be easier therefore increasing terrorism globally.

8. 4 strands: Economic, Social, Cultural, Political

8.1. Economic: Widespread movement of goods, capital, services, technology and information

8.2. Political: The growth of the worldwide political system, both in size and complexity.

8.3. Cultural: Transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in a way to extend and intensify social relations, common consumption's of culture.

8.4. Social: The sharing of ideas and information between and through different countries via internet & social media

9. reasons for globalisation:

9.1. 1. improved communication

9.2. 3. to lower the cost of transporting goods between countries

9.3. 4. goods are cheaper to produce where you can produce a certain products for cheaper in a specific country rather than locally

9.4. 5. freedom of trade which gave a wide variety of choices for consumers due to the competitiveness.

9.5. 6. enhanced relationships between countries such as the EU schengen zones.

9.6. 2. improved transportation which led to goods being transported quicker.

10. Neo-Marxism: Believe that instead of the division between rich vs poor, its successful vs unsuccessful. Neo-Marxists look at everything e.g white, black, male, female and put them all into a hierarchy of oppression.