PROCESS SKILLS - (linked to the Development matters framework 2017)

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PROCESS SKILLS - (linked to the Development matters framework 2017) by Mind Map: PROCESS SKILLS - (linked to the Development matters framework 2017)

1. Observation

1.1. Observing or observation is probably the most relevant process skill to EYFS children. As it is specifically referred to with the early learning goal "they make observations of animals and plants,"(Development Matters 2017). Ask what can they see when they are out and about, on walks and stuff.

2. Inferring

2.1. One of the most common questions asked by children in Early years is : "Why?" It is extremely important to foster their curiosity, challenge them and ask why they think they have to do something or why they have the result they do.

3. Classifying

3.1. Classification relevant to early years is children being able to distinguish between different object and their uses eg. ball is for rolling or throwing a car is for pushing this is around the 8-20 month mark. Seasons or different states of matter (or even wet/dry) can be a great way to start introducing the concept.

4. Predicting

4.1. Provide plenty of experiences for children to see what happens when they combine two objects. Ask if they've seen something like that happen before or if they have done it? this helps children to establish their own connections. it is extremely important to tell children at this age there are no wrong answers as not to put them off having a guess.

5. Communication

5.1. Getting children to talk about what they are doing or why. Assessment in early years is all about continual observations and what the children can tell you. encourage them to talk to you and give them vocabulary they can use to express what they are doing.

6. Measuring

6.1. This links in well with early number. being able to understand size; short, tall, big and small and capacity; full, empty or half full. Containers of all shapes sizes should be used and different materials like sand and water.