Opportunities to Respond

For use with JCPS Online OTR PD

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Opportunities to Respond by Mind Map: Opportunities to Respond

1. Twitter Summaries

1.1. Students summarize what they learned using no more than 140 characters.

2. Whole-Class (Unison)

2.1. Verbal

2.2. Non-Verbal

2.3. Written

3. Individual

3.1. Verbal

3.2. Non-Verbal

3.2.1. Response Cards There are many variations of response cards (also called hold-ups), but they are generally used with the whole class at the same time. You can pre-print and distribute response cards or use individual whiteboards for short responses. The teacher asks a question or presents a situation, and all students, when prompted by the teacher, will hold up a response card. They can also be used in combination with other OTRs, such as allowing pairs or groups to confer or discuss before each student decides on which response card to hold up. Possible variations for response cards: green/yellow/red or green/red (for level of understanding, finished/not finished, etc.), ABCD (for multiple choice questions), selected response cards (many options, such as L, E, J for the three branches of government, etc.), True/Not True/True with Modifications/Unable to Determine based on information learned, etc.

3.3. Written

4. Peer to Peer

4.1. Verbal

4.2. Non-Verbal

4.3. Written

5. A Picture Tells A Thousand Words

5.1. Each student receives one set of four cards individually marked A,B, C, and D. Students hold up the answers as questions are asked.

6. ABCD Cards

6.1. Each student receives one set of four cards individually marked A,B, C, and D. Students hold up the answers as questions are asked.

7. Agreement Circles

7.1. Form a circle in the room. When a statement is read, students who agree with the statement step into the center of the circle. Those who disagree with the statement remain on the circumference of the circle. Those inside the circle then partner with students on the circumference to discuss and defend their thinking. Example: All squares are rectangles.

8. Always, Sometimes, Never

8.1. Presented with statements, students decide if each statement is always true, sometimes true, or never true. This can be done in various ways including having students hold up response cards, having students work in pairs to do a card sort or in using a piece of paper. Example: multiples of 5 always end in 5

9. Biggest Aha Bar Graph

9.1. Students record their biggest ahas on a Quick-Write half sheet, index card, post-it note or precut pieces of paper that are all the same size. Have one student share his/her response, then tape it to the wall. Ask students who selected the same or similar response to come up, share their responses, and tape them above the other students' response, forming the first column of the bar graph. Ask another student (who didn't already share) to come up, share his/her response, and tape it to the wall in a new column. Have students with same or similar response come up and complete the second column. Repeat this process until all students have posted their responses on the bar graph. At the end, you can tell which concepts made the biggest impact and which ones need revisited.

10. Bump in the Road

10.1. Students write down something from the lesson that they find confusing or difficult. The teacher then collects the responses and reviews with the whole group OR forms small groups and asks students to seek clarification from each other.

11. Card Sorts

11.1. Students work individually or in small groups to sort a set of cards according to a given characteristic or category.

12. Carousel Brainstorming

12.1. Split the class into groups. Each group get their own chart paper and colored marker. The idea is to have each group write down what they know about a topic. When time is up, groups rotate to each chart adding ideas and questions with their colored marker as they go. Once students return to their "home" station, groups can summarize what's listed and share summary/key points with whole group.

13. Chalkboard Splash

13.1. After given a sentence starter, prompt, or question, all students record their brief responses (or copy their brief Quick-Write or Quick-Draw) onto spots on a chalkboard/whiteboard or chart paper for all students to see. After all students have recorded their responses, students are asked to analyze peer responses, looking for similarities, differences, and surprises and record on a form (optional). Students could then get in small groups to share what they noticed in terms of similarities, differences, and surprises.

14. Choral/Unison Response

14.1. This technique involves all students responding in unison to a teacher, when prompted. Allow thinking time before prompting. Some types include: repeat, report (an answer), reinforce (having everyone repeat an important answer a student has given), review, and solve.

15. Four Corners

15.1. -Teacher posts questions, concepts, or vocabulary words in each of the corners of the room. - Each student is assigned a corner. Once in the corner, the students discuss the focus of the lesson in relation to the question, concept or words. -Students may report out or move to another corner and repeat. -After student have moved, as a writing assignment they should be encouraged to reflect on changes in opinion or what they have learned.

16. Idea Spinner

16.1. The teacher creates a spinner marked into 4 or 5 quadrants and labeled, "Predict", "Explain", "Summarize", "Evaluate", and "Free". When new information is presented, ask students to spin the wheel and answer a question based on that location.

17. Most Valuable Point

17.1. Can be a 3-2-1 exit slip (three new ideas, 2 connections, and 1 question). It can also be just to sum up the learning in one important point.

18. Pause, Star, Rank

18.1. After teacher-led instruction, students review their notes and place stars by the most important concepts. They can select the 3 most important concepts and create a summary sentence for each and/or they can rank the 3 in order of importance. Allow students to share what they starred and ranked in small groups with follow-up as a whole group (possibly using Chalkboard Splash) to record their top-ranked concept in the form of a summary sentence.

19. Poll Everywhere

19.1. A real-time polling app that works with mobile, twitter, or in your web browser.

20. Popsicle Sticks

20.1. This approach to student engagement provides a random selection for answers which means that the consistent hand-raiser isn't dominating classroom discussion and evaluation.

21. Stand Up, Sit Down

21.1. Have all students stand up. Then ask a question and cold call on a student for an answer. Ask all other students to sit down if they agree with the answer given. If some students are still standing, ask those students for their answer. Then discuss discrepancies. This activity can also be used for questions that are opinion rather than fact, but tied to the content taught.

22. Write About

22.1. Research shows that summarization yields some of the greatest leaps in comprehension and long-term retention of information. A WriteAbout is a concrete tool for summarization in which students use key vocabulary terms to synthesize their understanding in a paragraph and well as represent key ideas graphically.

23. X Marks the Spot

23.1. Have students track their progress on the targets. Have students use checklists to mark off goals as they are met.

24. Zap Game

24.1. Use with vocabulary. One student looks at the screen and the other does not. The student looking at the screen, gives clues. As soon as the partner gets the word, they say it.