Chapter1 Introduction to computers

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Chapter1 Introduction to computers by Mind Map: Chapter1  Introduction  to computers

1. Software, also called a program, tells the computer what tasks to perform and how to perform them

1.1. System Software

1.1.1. Operating system

1.1.2. Utility program

1.2. Application Software

2. Computer Applications in Society

2.1. Education

2.2. Finance

2.3. Government

2.4. Health Care

2.5. Science

2.6. Publishing

2.7. Travel

2.8. Manufacturing

3. Computer Software

3.1. Installing is the process of setting up software to work with the computer, printer, and other hardware

3.2. A programmer develops software or writes the instructions that direct the computer to process data into information

4. Elements of an Information System

4.1. Hardware

4.2. Software

4.3. Data

4.4. People

4.5. Procedures

4.5.1. New node

5. Examples of Computer Usage

5.1. Home User

5.1.1. Personal financial management

5.1.2. Web access

5.1.3. Communications

5.1.4. Entertainment

5.2. Small Office/Home Office User

5.2.1. Look up information

5.2.2. Send and receive e‐mail messages

5.2.3. Make telephone calls

5.3. Mobile User

5.3.1. Connect to other computers on a network or the Internet

5.3.2. Transfer information

5.3.3. Play video games

5.3.4. Listen to music

5.4. Power User

5.4.1. Work with multimedia

5.4.2. User industry‐specific software

5.5. Enterprise User

5.5.1. Communicate among employees

5.5.2. Process high volumes of transactions

5.5.3. Blog

6. Summary

6.1. Basic computer concepts

6.2. Components of a computer

6.3. Networks, the Internet, and computer software

6.4. Many different categories of computers, computer users, and computer applications in society

7. A World of Computers

7.1. Computers are everywhere

8. Objectives Overview

8.1. Define the term,computer and describe the relationship between data information

8.2. Explain why computer literacy is vital to success in today's world

8.3. Describe the five components of the computer

8.3.1. New node

8.4. Describe to roll of each element in an information system

8.4.1. New node

8.5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages that users experience when working with computers

8.5.1. New node

8.6. Define the term, network, and identify benefits of sharing resources on a network

8.7. Distinguish between system software and application software

8.8. Differentiate among types, sizes, and functions of computers in each category

8.9. Explain how home users, small office/home office users, mobile users, power users, and enterprise users each interact with publishing computers

9. What Is a Computer?

9.1. A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory

10. The Components of a Computer

10.1. A computer contains many electric, electronic, and mechanical components known as hardware

10.1.1. Input Device Allows you to enter data and instructions into a computer

10.1.2. Output Device Hardware component that conveys information to one or more people

10.1.3. System Unit Case that contains the electronic components of the computer that are used to process data

10.1.4. Storage Device Holds data, instructions, and information for future use

10.1.5. Communications Device Enables a computer to send and receive data, instructions, and information and from one or devices to more computers or mobile

11. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers

11.1. Disadvantages of Using Computers

11.1.1. Health Risks

11.1.2. Violation of Privacy

11.1.3. Public Safety

11.1.4. Impact on Labor Force

11.1.5. Impact on Environment

11.2. Advantages of Using Computers

11.2.1. Speed

11.2.2. Reliability

11.2.3. Consistency

11.2.4. Storage

11.2.5. Communications

12. Networks and the Internet

12.1. A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together, often wirelessly, via communications devices and transmission media

12.2. The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that connects millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals

12.3. People use the Internet for a variety of reasons

12.3.1. Communicate

12.3.2. Research and Access Information

12.3.3. Shop

12.3.4. Bank and Invest

12.3.5. Online Trading

12.3.6. Entertainment

12.3.7. Download Music

12.3.8. Share Videos

12.3.9. Web Application

12.4. A social networking Web site encourages members to share their interests, ideas, stories, photos, music, and videos with other registered users

13. Categories of Computers

13.1. Game Consoles

13.1.1. A game console is a mobile computing device designed for single‐player or multiplayer video games

13.2. Servers

13.2.1. A server controls access to the hardware, software, and other resources on a network Provides a centralized storage area for programs, data, and information

13.3. Mainframes

13.3.1. A mainframe is a large, expensive, powerful computer that can handle hundreds or thousands of connected users simultaneously

13.4. Supercomputers

13.4.1. A supercomputer is the fastest, most powerful computer Fastest supercomputers are capable of processing more than one quadrillion instructions in a single second

13.5. Embedded Computers

13.5.1. An embedded computer is a special‐purpose computer that functions as a component in a larger product Consumer Electronics Home Automation Devices Automobiles Process Controllers and Robotics Computer Devices and Office Machines

13.6. Personal Computers

13.6.1. A personal computer can perform all of its input, processing, output, and storage activities by itself

13.6.2. Two popular architectures are the PC and the Apple

13.7. Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices

13.7.1. Mobile computer

13.7.2. Mobile Device