BCH Internal Info (Click arrow to return to Main Menu)

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BCH Internal Info (Click arrow to return to Main Menu) by Mind Map: BCH Internal Info (Click arrow to return to Main Menu)

1. BCH Video Materials

1.1. Fundamentals of PPE

1.2. PPE for Airway Providers

1.3. COVID OR Setup Prep

1.4. COVID Airway Barriers

1.5. Video Laryngoscopy

1.6. Fiberoptic Intubation

1.7. Intubation with Aerosol Barrier

1.8. Intubating with Supraglottic in Place

2. Systems Perspective

2.1. Resuscitations at BCH

2.2. PPE

2.2.1. Donning & Doffing Infographic

2.2.2. BCH PPE Principles

2.2.3. Donning & Doffing Checklist

2.3. Main OR Functions

2.3.1. MOR Process Map

2.3.2. COVID Testing

2.3.3. COVID Flowsheet

2.3.4. Signage

2.4. Radiology

2.4.1. CT COVID

2.4.2. MRI COVID

2.5. PACU

2.5.1. PACU COVID Precautions

2.5.2. Off-Shift Recovery

3. Case Perspective

3.1. COVID Room Setup Checklist

3.2. COVID Airway Principles

3.3. COVID Airway Checklist

3.4. Intubation

3.5. Extubation

3.6. Natural Airway