The causes of the Cold War and the US Policy of Containment

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The causes of the Cold War and the US Policy of Containment by Mind Map: The causes of the Cold War and the US Policy of Containment

1. China's Civil War

1.1. This is seen as an American huge defeat as the Americans lost a huge influence in the east despite financially helping Nationalist China with billions of dollars.

1.1.1. Another Red threat appeared, now in the Asia and ready to expand communism and not help the Americans . Another rivalry was created and a semi-ally to the Soviet Union.

2. Yalta Conference February

2.1. This conference purpose was to establish the new policies of the WW2 Aftermath between the USA, Britain and the USSR.

2.1.1. This first conference was successful and little rivalry was showed and policies were mostly respected

3. Potsdam Conference July

3.1. This conference was seen as the breaking point from the USSR as they with their Salami tactics conquered Europe

3.1.1. This conference achieved little as both powers were angered at the actions of both, as seen through the USSR expansion and the Nuclear bomb

4. Berlin Blockade 1947-8

4.1. This event was an USSR move to get the NATO out of Western Berlin through a logistic blockade to get control of all Berlin and get their own citizens of Eastern Berlin to not leave. As well the Berlin wall was erected due to this.

4.1.1. This made the NATO powers undergo an extensive campaign of the Berlin Airlift to not bow to the USSR expansionism. The Aftermath of the Berlin Blockade deteriorated the relations from the 2 superpowers and ended in a huge propaganda victory for NATO and for capitalism and showed that communism will be contained.

5. Korea's Civil War

5.1. This is seen as an American containment of communism but only to a moderate effect.

5.1.1. This is due to the official creation of communist North Korea and Chinese involvement.

6. Vietnam's Civil War

6.1. This is another huge defeat for American communist containment and a huge moral defeat for the US army.

6.1.1. Vietnam proved that the US army was lacking discipline and morals in the battlefield and even American support.

7. Cuba

7.1. The political affairs in Cuba is seen as a huge defeat for the American's Truman Doctrine

7.1.1. Seen in the Bay of Pigs invasion and the negotiations made in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

8. Anti-Communism in USA

8.1. Due to the McCarthyism witch hunt the sentiment of having communist ideas decreased and more Americans embraced capital ideals.

8.1.1. This caused the violation of many Americans rights and freedoms. As McCarthyism believed the communist where getting to political positions.

9. New World Order

9.1. In the end of World War 2, the two world Superpowers where the USA and the USSR

9.1.1. This created an imminent rivalry as both superpowers had different ideologies that clashed with both ideals

10. Hostility to the Soviet Union

10.1. The hostility from the USA to the Soviet Union starts at the end of The Great War

10.1.1. The interference in the Russian Civil War to support the White Army

10.1.2. The negative reaction from the USA to Stalin's purges Also the speech from Churchill about the Iron Curtain was applaud in the USA

10.1.3. This ended on Stalin having suspicion on the USA real policies and true intentions towards the Soviet Union which got proved on the dropping of the Nuclear Bomb

11. Truman Doctrine

11.1. Enacted in 1947 this Doctrine was to contain the geopolitical expansion of the USSR. This meant that the USSR will not return to isolationism and with this doctrine the USA will undergo a more interventionist policies.

11.1.1. This caused many proxy wars were Soviet and American armies fought in civil war supporting their party of choice through military action This was one of the factors which made the USA and USSR real military enemies as they each improved their military arsenal to defeat each other in proxy wars. Such Truman Doctrine was first tested in the Civil War in Greece This resulted in many military conflicts around the world where the superpowers fought for influence over their ideology.

12. Marshal Plan

12.1. Enacted in 1948 this European Recovery Plan was to financially recover Europe from WW2

12.1.1. The USA did this to halt the communist influence in Western Europe as the USA believed that if country was financially good and living standards and business opportunities was high the people of Europe will think that capitalism is better than communism. This proved right and Western Europe didn't switch to USSR side. But this made the USSR believed that the USA was undergoing American Imperialism and was purely benefiting from the destroyed economies of Western Europe, like buying their countries . Creating a rivalry of ideals and clash of propagand.a

13. Political ideology

13.1. This difference of political ideologies created a clash of ideals and perspectives on countries as the USSR sees capitalism as a threat to communism and the USA vice versa

13.1.1. Not to mention that both of the Superpowers wanted to achieve power over world and