Queer Liberation

For my gender and women's studies class on LGBT Studies

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Queer Liberation by Mind Map: Queer Liberation

1. Art

1.1. Writings

1.1.1. This Bridge Called My Back

1.1.2. Homophobia as a pleasure system

1.1.3. Compilations of queer history Outhistory Transgender history

2. Unity

2.1. Perserverience

3. Progress

3.1. R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

3.2. Obama Era Protections for queer communities

3.3. Advances in medical communities, making LGBT no longer considered a mental illness.

3.4. The advent of scientific theories to discus gender

4. Oppression

4.1. Enhanced Policing

4.2. Descrimination

4.2.1. Ghettoisation into low income areas of major cities. Like the Tenderlion

4.2.2. Many queer and trans individuals are unable to find jobs, and face job descrimination throghout all US history to this day.

4.3. Medical and Scienctific Bias

4.3.1. Classifying LGBT as mental disorders, leading to stigma that lasts to this very day

4.3.2. The publishing of ideas like Blanchard's typology lead to increasing and modern stigmitization of gender nonconforming individuals

4.4. Vionence against the queer community

4.4.1. Police violence against queer communities

4.5. Religious communities

4.5.1. Religious Violence continues to this day

5. Action

5.1. The Homophile Movement

5.1.1. Many early advancments in advocacy and progressing the social aceptability of Queer people

5.2. Queer Liberation

5.2.1. Stonewall

5.2.2. Compton's Cafeteria

5.2.3. The beginning of the pride movements