
Every minute, an estimated 20 people are forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, or war. Of the 68.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide, 25.4 million are refugees. Compounding the numerous risks and threats that refugees face are growing anti-refugee and anti-migrant sentiment, discrimination, and violence, which have profound implications for refugees’ social welfare and healthcare entitlements as they migrate to and settle in new host communities.In a survey conducted in 2...

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Refugees by Mind Map: Refugees

1. Racism

1.1. Social Class

1.2. Integration

1.3. Culture

2. Confidence

3. Religion

3.1. Gender

3.2. Employment

4. Gender

4.1. Male

4.2. Female

5. Culture

5.1. Gender

5.2. Language

5.3. Integration

6. Government Assistace

6.1. Employment

6.2. Housing

6.2.1. Social Class

6.2.2. Integration

6.3. Health

6.4. Counselling

7. Education

7.1. Language

7.2. Job Skills