Team Information Sharing in Agile Software Development Teams (with an additional attention to Cov...

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Team Information Sharing in Agile Software Development Teams (with an additional attention to Covid-19 pandemic) by Mind Map: Team Information Sharing in Agile Software Development Teams (with an additional attention to Covid-19 pandemic)

1. Knowledge Management and Distribution

1.1. Technical Knowledge

1.2. Domain Knowledge

1.3. Knowledge Codification and Sharing

2. Information Sharing

2.1. Willingness

2.2. Trust

2.3. Frequency

2.4. IT/ICT Platforms

3. Virtual Teams and Workplaces

3.1. Virtual Teams

3.2. Virtual Workplace

3.3. Remote Work and Collaboration

3.4. Remote Work Productivity

4. IT/ICT roles in team/organization communication

4.1. Information Systems

4.2. Chat and Messaging Systems

5. Human Resources Management

5.1. Succession Planning

6. Software Development Industry

6.1. Software Projects

6.1.1. Agile Software Projects

6.1.2. Traditional Software Projects

6.2. Software Products

6.3. Software Industry vs Other Industries

6.4. Tech Companies vs Other Companies

7. Agile Teams

7.1. Cross-Functional Teams

7.2. Self-Organizing Teams

7.2.1. Group Decision Making

7.3. Software Teams

7.3.1. Teams Team Building

7.4. Agile Transformation

7.4.1. Organizational Change Management

7.5. Cultural Factors

7.5.1. Organization Studies

7.5.2. From Boss/Employee to Leader/Member

7.6. Team and Customer Collaboration

7.6.1. Communication and Feedback Mechanism System Communication Platform

8. Corporate/ Business Concerns

8.1. Employee Productivity

9. Response to changes caused by a national or global crisis such as a Epidemic/Pandemic

9.1. Strategic Planning

9.2. Risk Management

10. Project Management

10.1. Project Control and Tracking