The Color Purple by Alice Walker

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The Color Purple by Alice Walker by Mind Map: The Color Purple by Alice Walker

1. 1. Important Characters

1.1. Alphonso: The step-father which is abusive towards Celie both physically and sexually.

1.2. Shug: A singer that falls in love with both Mr._____ and Celie. She help liberate Celie from Mr.______.

1.3. Mr._______: The man who marries Celie, but is in love with Shug.

1.3.1. Harpo: Mr._____'s son who marries Sophia and has a child with Squeak.

1.4. Celie: The protagonist, which is raped by her step-father and has two kids.

1.4.1. Olivia and Adam: Celie's biological children, stolen and sold by the father Alphonso.

1.4.2. Nettie: Celie's sister; she finds her kids and takes them to her.

2. Tone

2.1. Serious

2.2. Overpowering

2.2.1. Sophia's character took control of herself and never allowed to be stepped on by whites or males. Sophia knocked out the mayor and knocked two teeth out of Squeak because she wanted to show how she could dominate. Books News sources Blogs Supporting Data

2.2.2. The warden and Alphonso were men that abused "smaller" people such as black women. The broke them when they sexually abused them and tool their dignity.

3. Themes

3.1. Stand up for what you believe in

3.1.1. New node

3.2. After living a life of hardships, in the end life is always worth it

4. Literary Techniques

4.1. Diction

4.1.1. Syntax The way that Celie spoke described what kind of background she came from giving the literary work more understanding of the content.

4.2. Symbolism

4.2.1. The quilts that the woman of the novel make, represent the power that women have when they are brought to other women as a union. When they are set together they are able to overcome many fears and obstacles

5. In the novel, a black woman named Celie tells her life story consisting of: rape, abuse, submissiveness, weakness/strength, etc. Since she was a younger girl Celie had been sexually abused by her step-father whom she believed was her biological father. She gave birth to two children which were stolen by her Alphonso(step-father) and sold to two missionaries Corrine and Samuel. Celie was then given to marry to Mr._____ whom continues with the beatings such as his son attempted with his wife Sophia (but Sophia was physically stronger and didn't allow it). Mr.____ falls in love with Shug as does Celie, who gets Shug to live with them as "protection" from Mr._____'s abuse. Shug is a free soul who enjoys the company of younger men so on numerous accounts breaks both of their hearts. Shug and Celie have a secret intimate relationship, and Shug is able to solve the mystery of Nettie's (Celie's sister) disappearance which eventually reunites them. In the end, Alphonso dies, Celie is reunited with her sister and children, and Shug finds a new partner.