AP HuG Unit 7: Industrialization and Development

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AP HuG Unit 7: Industrialization and Development by Mind Map: AP HuG Unit 7: Industrialization and Development

1. Socioeconomics + Sustainable Development

1.1. GDP vs GNP vs GNI

1.1.1. Stock Markets PPP Structural Adjustment Program a planning program created by an LDC that includes economic goals, strategies for achieving theses goals, and the requirement they must meet for external financing PPP = Purchasing Parity Power PPP is a measurement of how much a good is worth in different currencies and in different regions of the world.

1.2. GDP = Gross Domestic Product

1.2.1. TOTAL VOLUME of a country’s economy. GDP only measures DOMESTIC (NOT international impacts on the) economy using this formula: GDP = GOODS + SERVICES.

1.3. GNI = Gross National Income

1.3.1. GNI is the monetary value of GDP as well as the monetary value of EXPORTS minus IMPORTS in that same year which helps to account for the wealth of a nation that is lost through INTERNATIONAL trade. GNI = GDP + (EXPORTS - IMPORTS)

2. The Global Economy

2.1. Commodity Chain all the Way across Country Borders

2.1.1. Time Distance Decay Exports/Imports Tariffs and Taxes Tariffs are taxes on imported goods Imports = Buying Goods from Other Countries coming Into Your Country Exports = Goods sent from your country to Other Countries

2.1.2. Further Away from Hearth (point of origin), less interaction/popularity

2.2. Raw materials from Mongolia

2.3. Manufacturing in China

2.4. Selling to Consumers to USA

3. Industrial Revolution

3.1. Industrial Revolution

3.1.1. Brownfields Agglomeration DeIndustrialization decline in industrial activity in a region or country with an incline in technology and higher stages of the DTM Businesses centered near each other in the same industry to attract customers and employees to one central location for the major development of an industry Technopole Technopoles are found in Austin, TX and Silicon Valley, CA and are agglomerations of Technology Companies

3.1.2. an area that once had manufacturing plants that have now rusted (the color brown) over as they have fallen out of use

3.2. In the 19th Century, in Great Britain, production of goods shifted to factories and mass production using assembly line formats instead of the previous cottage industry

4. Economic Sectors and Patterns

4.1. Sectors of Economic Activity

4.1.1. Commodity Chain Fair Trade Supranational Organizations NAFTA, EU, NATO, OPEC, World Bank, ASEAN Organizations containing many different states and governments working together for a common goal of Military Expansion, Trade, or Economic Zones When products are made and traded according to guidelines that protect workers and small business in LDC

4.1.2. Commodity Chain follows the whole length of a product's creation from extraction from the earth (primary) to manufacturing (secondary) to selling of the good (tertiary)

4.1.3. Break Of Bulk Point Goods are transferred from one mode of transport to another

4.2. Primary

4.2.1. Extraction of raw materials from the Earth

4.3. Secondary

4.3.1. Manufacturing of those materials from Primary

4.4. Tertiary

4.4.1. Selling and consumption of manufactured goods and services from Secondary

4.5. Quaternary

4.5.1. Marketing and Administration of different companies and products

4.6. Quinary

4.6.1. High-Level Management and Research of Large Conglomerates and Trans National Corporations